texture in a sentence

Use “texture” in a sentence | “texture” example sentences

1- The background is a subtle paper texture.

2- Including Reponses up to ‘It bothers me a bit’ over % of respondents said that they were concerned about their pores and skin texture.

3- This cloth has a silky texture.

4- The bread had a spongy texture.

5- The writing has a rich texture.

6- The cloth was rough in texture.

7- Sponge cakes have a light texture.

8- The cake has a nice light texture.

9- A three-quarter shimmy adds texture to belly dancing.

10- Both the texture and condition of your hair should improve.

11- Crumbly, dry texture is more like fruit cake than pud.

12- Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size.

13- I use a styling gel to give texture to my hair.

15- The cheese is firm in texture and has a strong flavour .

16- The crumbly texture is perfect for many dishes.

17- The method used will vary with the soil texture and climate.

18- These items offer both texture and luscious flavor.

19- This artificial fabric has the texture of silk.

20- This cheese has a crumbly texture with a strong flavour.

21- This cheese has an open, crumbly texture with a strong flavour.

22- We could feel the smooth texture of silk.

23- We love its thick , creamy texture and tangy taste.

24- Beat the mixture until it has a light , puffy texture.

25- Foundation make-up evens out your skin tone and texture.

26- It was a thick broth with a creamy texture.

27- Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture.

28- Soft herring roe has a delicious, creamy texture.

29- The cake should have a light and crumbly texture.

30- The designer’s aim is to produce a harmony of shape and texture.

31- The fabric has a beautifully soft texture.

32- The two cheeses were very different in both taste and texture.

33- This soup has a lovely creamy texture.

34- Thus the intrusive igneous rocks usually have a coarse texture.

35- The ore mainly has cyclopean granular texture and massive and laminar structures.

36- Tofu by texture is what jellyfish are made of, all soft and squishy and unearthly.

37- It does cook up wet and sticky, but has a texture of its own and is full of flavour.

38- Less color, brightness, and texture may help with visual information.

39- The orange molasses glaze is flecked with mustard seeds to give it texture and flavor.

40- If overheated it will become granular, so spoiling the delicate texture of the truffles.

41- Sweetened only by honey, the soft texture is created by the addition of fresh buttermilk.

42- Its effect was a magical transparency of texture yet with depth and solidity where needed.

43- An unripened cheese similar to cottage cheese but drier and firmer in texture.

44- Traditional cheesemaking skills give our brie its soft, supple, creamy texture.

45- Huzhou Crape is a kind of rugged silk produced in Zhejiang with a light texture.

46- Earth would suddenly become vivid and real with a vibrancy of colour and texture.

47- She sometimes puts slices of smoked guinea fowl around the edge to give added texture.

48- The painting is beautifully conceived in every way — composition, colour and texture.

49- Foods which go through a factory process lose much of their colour, flavour and texture.

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