tessellation in a sentence

Use “tessellation” in a sentence | “tessellation” example sentences

1- Many other types of tessellation are possible under different constraints.

2- This skull chapel boasts some incredible, artistic bone tessellations .

3- An important concept with detailed infinite terrain is tessellation .

4- There is an infinite family of such tessellations .

5- The whole tessellation can be rotated by 45°.

6- This recursion continues until the desired level of tessellation is achieved.

7- No study of pattern would be complete without regard to tessellation .

8- Escher used this reptile pattern in many hexagonal tessellations .

9- tessellations in three or more dimensions are called honeycombs.

10- tessellation can be extended to three or more dimensions.

11- tessellations are sometimes employed for decorative effect in quilting.

12- tessellation patterns have been used to design interlocking motifs of patch shapes.

13- We see the precise patterns, the tessellations .

14- The classic houndstooth pattern is an example of a tessellation .

15- Each 24-cell of this tessellation has 24 neighbors.

16- tessellations are patterns formed by repeating tiles all over a flat surface.

17- The tessellations created by bonded brickwork do not obey this rule.

18- Floors and walkways use contrasting tiles or blocks in tessellation patterns.

19- I have a field of hexagons described by triangle tessellation patches .

20- The honeycomb provides a well-known example of tessellation in nature.

21- This image shows a tessellation of a disk by triangles and squares.

22- Eight 24-cells meet at any given vertex in this tessellation .

23- Such a tessellation forms an example of an infinite abstract regular polytope.

24- Many of Escher’s works employed repeated tilings called tessellations .

25- In architecture, tessellations have been used to create decorative motifs since ancient times.

26- Each cell in a Voronoi tessellation is a convex polyhedron.

27- In a similar manner one can consider regular tessellations of the hyperbolic plane.

28- These feature impossible constructions, explorations of infinity, architecture, and tessellations .

29- App Detail ” tessellation What’s New Increased speed and performance.

30- A particularly interesting type of monohedral tessellation is the spiral monohedral tiling.

31- Recently Ive been side tracked by a sudden obsession with trying to implement tessellation .

32- tessellation was earlier considered for Direct3D 10, but was later abandoned.

33- Voronoi tessellations of the reciprocal lattice of momenta are called Brillouin zones.

34- Fyodorov’s work marked the unofficial beginning of the mathematical study of tessellations .

35- Families of convex uniform Euclidean tessellations are defined by the affine Coxeter groups.

36- The Schläfli symbol for this tessellation is {3,4,3,3}.

37- The three regular tessellations of the plane are closely related to the Platonic solids.

38- A newly emergent trend in logo design is the use of mosaic patterns and tessellation .

39- Learn about his work with crystallographers and how he made those intricate tessellations .

40- A geodesic tessellation starts with a seed polyhedron consisting of a handful of triangles.

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