tersely in a sentence

Use “tersely” in a sentence | “tersely” example sentences

1- A tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion an adage.

2- Annixter had cursed him so vociferously and tersely that even Osterman was cowed.

3- A 19th century directory is tersely specific.

4- The call to repentance itself is tersely stated.

5- His neck’s broken,’ he declared tersely .

6- tersely , he recalled his experiences of the past few hours.

7- More tersely : Buoyancy = weight of displaced fluid.

8- He had been careful to answer questions tersely , adding no extra information.

9- They heard him dialling and speaking tersely for a moment.

10- Chief Inspector Buchanan had given evidence tersely , in a dry tone.

11- Ebert said tersely , almost belligerently.

12- Kuga: ( tersely ) Get to the lifeboats.

13- Each request had been made briefly and tersely , until Juliet began to feel quite miserable.

14- We present them here tersely .

15- An unapologetic Stintz , reached late last week, responded tersely about her flip-flops.

16- There’s something else, isn’t there, Robyn?’ he said tersely .

17- The officer there apologised in excellent English as I tersely explained that we’d already paid.

18- They asked about the YE in her diary and her tersely asks how should he know.

19- Earlier Wednesday , the Royal Household press office tersely said that it does not comment on judicial decisions.

20- It was tersely worded.

21- It was tersely volunteered.

22- Mr. Page ‘s term has often been controversial as senior ministers have responded tersely to criticism from the PBO.

23- Mrs Maybury spoke tersely .

24- Magariaf tersely replied La !

25- She said tersely , ‘It seems to me that Adam has had far too much to say for himself.

26- His letter is minuted tersely in Heath’s hand: ‘They could invite him to every meeting as consultant.

27- The ‘1922 Annual General Meeting (only 13 present) is tersely minuted and not reported in the newspaper.

28- Haggard tersely commented, “These ships are absolutely useless to Brazil”, a sentiment echoed by “Proceedings”.

29- Further, there were no estimates and lastly, the descriptions were very basic, tersely written with no academic pretensions.

30- The thin man complained and continued to argue but no-one took notice but Michael, who growled tersely at his cowardice.

31- On the contrary, various White House and State Department officials have tersely dismissed that package as a mere propaganda ploy.

32- He read to me part of a tale never put into the ordinary edition, translated into English tersely and perspicuously.

33- Mindful of the high cost per word, Caldwell famously but tersely wired London, “Monotremes oviparous, ovum meroblastic.

34- Besides, I didn’t see why I should do everything myself, and said as much to Mala, tersely .

35- That same day, Mr Guthrie sent a wire to Poirot that said tersely , “definitely a Vermeer, Guthrie.

36- Berdichev nodded tersely and walked on, not waiting for Clarac, who had to hurry to catch up with him.

37- His deceptively simple judgments dealt only with the essential points, stated the law tersely and clearly, and rarely provoked dissent.

38- He finished the service by announcing tersely that some of the large number of people jailed during the night had been released.

39- The Government would be very naïve to underestimate the intention of the military in this instance,” the statement tersely said.

40- On the morning of November 12, Chief Justice Ray tersely pronounced that the bench was dissolved, and the judges rose.

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