terms in a sentence

Use “terms” in a sentence | “terms” example sentences

251- This means that we are going to lock you up, in no uncertain terms.

252- To be brief, we can’t accept such harsh terms.

253- What is more, she said so – in no uncertain terms.

254- Do you think they would subscribe to such harsh terms?

255- Does any significance attach to the use of the technical terms?

256- Omit any mention of a short-term job that you left on poor terms?

257- In real terms, U.S. foreign aid has dropped by 30%.

258- Both buyer and seller should agree on the terms before the contract is signed.

259- She had come to terms with the fact that her husband would always be crippled.

260- Closer to such history in terms of the narrative skill required is hagiography.

261- The officers were more or less able to dictate terms to successive governments.

262- We seem to be considering chemical bonding solely in terms of potential energy.

263- The terms of the agreement respect the boundary line between the two countries.

264- Another explained pentecostal growth in terms of urbanization or class conflict.

265- Under the terms of the agreement, the debt will be repaid over a 20-year period.

266- Basically I think he would be someone who complemented me in terms of character.

267- There is also a glossary of terms frequently used within the theoretical debates.

268- Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety.

269- However, governance structures differ in terms of their set-up and running costs.

270- The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete.

271- The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality.

272- It would also not hurt to show what could be done in terms of a pinpoint landing.

273- If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.

274- Under the terms of the lease you had no right to sublet the property.

275- We tend to use these terms as if they were freely interchangeable forms of energy.

276- In English, these are all terms of mild opprobrium when directed at the flatterer.

277- In percentage terms the number of larger mammals, including primates, is very low.

278- Its terms purport to enlarge, not to diminish the powers vested in the government.

279- Grant foreign banks the right to underwrite bond on the same terms as local banks.

280- Why argue about the terms of the divorce when both of you just want a clean break?

281- How far is the binary system binary in terms of curricula as well as organization?

282- Systems consist of a very small number of terms which thus constitute closed sets.

283- Many people report good results from this, in terms of feeling fitter and happier.

284- These are terms and definitions derived present generation of rhinoplasty surgeons.

285- Organisers may amend or append the terms and conditions without prior notification.

286- Only by finding each other again can they hope to come to terms with their tragedy.

287- The four local factories were told in no uncertain terms that they had to celebrate.

288- Employers are entitled to insist that employees honour the terms of their agreement.

289- One was simply not on friendly terms with people like gardeners and their offspring.

290- But in material terms life on a I960s sitcom closely mirrors life on a I990s sitcom.

291- The grammar schools and secondary moderns are similar in terms of class exclusivity.

292- Those coming into leadership are told in no uncertain terms what their task is to be.

293- The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity.

294- Many of the key terms and debates that take place throughout the book are introduced.

295- You have to explain it in terms that the man on the Clapham omnibus would understand.

296- This is the ultimate sustainable city in terms of jokes and governmental circus acts.

297- It is not yet known whether a claim in tort can be framed in terms of loss of chance.

298- The modern versions of Taylorism are expressed in terms of job design and work study.

299- Violation of the terms of a capitulation by individuals is punishable as a war crime.

300- But can the propagation of all beliefs be explained in terms of their survival value?

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