teamsters in a sentence

Use “teamsters” in a sentence | “teamsters” example sentences

1- teamsters officials initially claimed the settlement retained a single wage scale.

2- The teamsters union is less likely to win an election.

3- They were used by farmers and by teamsters .

4- Back on the shop floor, teamsters still faced tough employers.

5- The teamsters argued the rule would contribute to driver fatigue.

6- Read teamsters Canada press release, here.

7- Kahn claimed to have arranged the teamsters loans himself.

8- Today the teamsters union is at a turning point.

9- In 1975, the teamsters were in trouble.

10- It merged with the teamsters in 1966.

11- Carey and the teamsters also undertook a sophisticated public relations effort.

12- teamsters worked in the transportation and supply aspects of the project.

13- The teamsters quickly became the biggest target of the EA.

14- The tactics worked, and the United teamsters soon faded away.

15- Tobin was president of the teamsters from 1907 to 1952.

16- Hoffa was president of the teamsters union until 1971.

17- Explore the precursor to the unions, the teamsters .

18- The image is also a widely known symbol of teamsters union corruption.

19- The 1980s were devastating to the trucking industry and freight teamsters .

20- It extinguished scores of businesses and professions from carriage makers to teamsters .

21- Just a week later, the teamsters endorsed Reagan.

22- The teamsters began to expand dramatically and mature organizationally under Tobin.

23- Well, the teamsters ought to know.

24- The teamsters , can you believe it?

25- Glimco was also wielded increasing power in the teamsters union.

26- The teamsters reiterated their pledge to uphold their contracts in November.

27- Carey became a UPS driver and joined the teamsters in 1956.

28- He was an attorney for the teamsters from 1968 to 1993.

29- But the teamsters were in no better position to win organizing battles.

30- The groundwork was laid to rebuild the strength of the teamsters union.

31- Williams announced he would resign as teamsters president while appealing his conviction.

32- Then teamsters and newsboys returned to work.

33- This type of pension settlement had not occurred before with the teamsters .

34- After teamsters union complaints, LAUSD halted this practice.

35- During Shea’s presidency, the entire teamsters union was notoriously corrupt.

36- Fitzsimmons also decentralized power somewhat within the Teamsters’ union administration structure.

37- The legislation ended the conflict between the teamsters and UFW.

38- The teamsters successfully encouraged Congress to pass legislation increasing rail security in 2007.

39- She later married Anthony Liuzzo, a teamsters union business agent.

40- Hoffa resigned as teamsters president on July 9, 1971.

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