teammates in a sentence

Use “teammates” in a sentence | “teammates” example sentences

1- He turned and walked away, toward his tittering teammates.

2- You can’t rat out your teammates.

3- He apologized to his teammates for his mistake.

4- His teammates have tagged him with a second nickname.

5- He committed the cardinal sin of criticizing his teammates.

6- The captain tried to talk up and encourage his teammates.

7- One of his teammates will be former Darlington assistant manager Tony McAndrew.

8- She lopes between the lines of her teammates, slapping their outstretched hands.

9- Yao is taking a much different approach to his nuptials than some of his teammates.

10- Aggressive hockey players had more testosterone than their more easygoing teammates.

11- My teammates did a great job helping.

12- While a live ball is being passed among teammates .

13- All three men had reputations as being great teammates .

14- My teammates were a big contribution today .

15- In sports, trust between teammates is essential.

16- His teammates swarm him before he ever reaches home plate.

17- His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders.

18- His teammates were immediately by his side lending aid.

19- And before the game coach said trust your teammates .

20- His former teammates were stunned by his decision.

21- They in turn choose their relay teammates .

22- The new and old teammates were reunited.

23- The jokes among teammates are sure to be flying .

24- Having been teammates has made them more than similar.

25- It is good for significantly healing teammates .

26- The coaches and my teammates are great.

27- Kennedy’s teammates admired his physical courage.

28- Eight teammates are being paid more than Lawson .

29- Howard ‘s former teammates rarely speak his name.

30- My passes to teammates could fly through the wall.

31- His teammates thought a lot of him.

32- Thank you boys, for being such great teammates !

33- That is of course unless my teammates respond to blackmail.

34- Wilson also has been accepted by his teammates .

35- How do you handle differences between your teammates ?

36- His teammates benefit from his mental strength and encouragement.

37- These are my teammates , my family.

38- The Assault class focuses on assault rifles and healing teammates .

39- The girls have been best friends and teammates for years.

40- Two of his Chicago teammates received “liberal” expense money.

41- Such teammates are comforting to work with.

42- He also creates scoring opportunities for his teammates .

43- Her teammates are usually the targets of her verbal grenades.

44- The two teammates set a team record with 271⁄2 sacks.

45- He later woke up and rejoined his teammates .

46- His teammates intervened and convinced him to continue playing.

47- He was very popular with his fans and teammates .

48- He and his teammates returned with bronze.

49- There are teammates who have passed on.

50- The two former teammates are depicted playing baseball with each other.

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