How to use the word takes time in a sentence
It sometimes takes time to manage change.
Social media marketing takes time and focus.
The committee action to change standards takes time .
Strategic web development takes time and careful deliberation.
Every post player takes time to develop.
This process often takes time and patience.
The government realizes that full compliance takes time .
This method takes time but is effective.
It takes time to change social norms.
Putting together a targeted list recommendation takes time .
Building wealth takes time and consistent attention.
Learning to set healthy boundaries takes time .
This takes time and involves significant financial investment.
Proper consultation and thorough education takes time .
Building a steady revenue stream through royalties takes time .
Even determining whether the strain is resistant takes time .
Changing negative thinking patterns to positive ones takes time .
Identifying food allergies takes time and patience.
Protein digestion takes time and consumes energy.
A process that takes time is better understood.
Choosing meaningful words for worship takes time too.
A real legal challenge takes time to put together correctly.
To earn ERP software business takes time .
But anything worth doing takes time , right?
Mutual trust takes time and effort to develop.
Be prepared because this process takes time .
It takes time to breed away from things.
This takes time and experience to learn.
Also remember that healthy, realistic weight loss takes time .
In 2012, it was change takes time .
The baking of life’s best cakes takes time .
It takes time to prepare for eternity.
It is that quality that takes time before action is taken.
But this kind of paradigm shift takes time !
Awareness is growing but it takes time .
Training students takes time but it pays off.
It takes time to walk through the process.
It takes time and it takes energy.
A management team takes time to build up.
It’s fixing those weaknesses that takes time .