synonym in a sentence 2

Use ‘synonym’ in a sentence | ‘synonym’ example sentences

51- RGB/HSV color wheel: The word Azure is a near synonym for the color blue.

52- Unreferenced synonym list in cuneiform on a clay tablet, Neo-Assyrian period.

53- The name Populus candicans has been variously used for either P. balsamifera or P. × jackii; it is currently considered a synonym of P. balsamifera.

54- The company has become a quasi-institution, imposing its imprint as a synonym not only for youth, modernity and creativity but also for rigor and reliability.

55- Frank is both a name and a synonym for honest.

56- Thus chloronotus is the senior synonym and has priority.

57- In railway engineering, the term wheelslip is used as a synonym for wheelspin.

58- The synonym ‘Lock Elm’ is an allusion to the difficulty in working its timber.

59- Some consider Breviceps fasciatus as synonym of this species Poynton, 1964, Ann.

60- Hence libertarian has been used by some as a synonym for left-wing anarchism since the 1890s.

61- Timber Press: Portland, Oregon, USA. p. 85. while others have reduced it to a synonym of D. natalensis.

62- Subspecies groenlandicus and pearyi mix on some arctic islands, and granti is probably a synonym of groenlandicus.

63- This is never stated explicitly, although the usage of the word ” adamant “, an old synonym, is strongly suggestive.

64- This ‘species’ was also re evaluated twice, before the description was discarded as a junior synonym of A. alexandrinus.

65- The phrase “six degrees of separation” is often used as a synonym for the idea of the “small world” phenomenonCitation needed.

66- The word jīvā (literally “life”, cognate with quick) is also used as a synonym for jyā in geometrical literature ( Suryasiddhanta 2.57).

67- Use of a word with positive or negative connotations rather than a more neutral synonym can form a biased picture in the audience’s mind.

68- ” *Bey- a synonym for “boy”, or a synonym for “hey” when being used to get someone’s attention.

69- This name is no longer in use: it is now a synonym of the current scientific name which is Picea abies.

70- Pseudoclymenia is derived from Pernoceras Saunders et al. 2004 and indicated as a synonym of Protornoceras.

71- Tabarī too understands fassala to be a synonym for bayyana (sura 44:3), which also has the meaning “interpret.

72- Nowadays Cheez finds its synonym in the term Vasta, which refers on its own to the plot of dramaturgic venture.

73- The name Prachanda-Chandika also appears as a synonym of Chhinnamasta in her hundred-name hymn in Shakta-pramoda.

74- Tremella coffeicolor (synonym T. auricularia), originally described from Bermuda, is similar, but has larger basidia and spores.

75- Had Thaumaleidae not come into prevailing usage, Orphnephilidae would continue in use despite the fact that Orphnephila is a junior synonym.

76- Gray considered D. supercilious to be a junior synonym of his D. obscurus and he credits Lesson and Garnot (1826) for their original description.

77- Doryaspis (“Dart Shield”) (also known by its synonym, “Lyktaspis”) is an extinct genus of primitive jawless fish that lived in the Devonian period.

78- The name Gillenia was thought to be already occupied by Gillena, a very similar name used by Michel Adanson as a synonym for Clethra Hunt, D.R. (August 1982).

79- The Zephronidae (synonym Sphaeropoeidae) occurs in southeast Asia from the Himalayas and China south and east to Sulawesi and inhabits some Philippines islands.

80- The Baden vineyard of Durbach claims its own type of Red Traminer called Durbacher Clevner (not to be confused with “Klevner”, an Austrian synonym for Pinot Blanc ).

81- Described in 1894, it was considered either a subspecies or taxonomic synonym of the weasel sportive lemur (Lepilemur mustelinus) throughout most of the 20th century.

82- The TÜV have become so closely associated with this safety inspection (‘Hauptuntersuchung’) over the decades that the very word ‘TÜV’ is often used as a synonym for it.

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