symptom in a sentence

Use ‘symptom’ in a sentence | ‘symptom’ example sentences

1- The symptoms become more pronounced until death occurs.

2- My major withdrawal symptom has been insomnia.

3- The same symptoms everyone here are describing.

4- symptoms usually last 4–6 days.

5- symptoms probably start 3 years before diagnosis is made.

6- Repeat every three hours until symptoms are gone .

7- This inflammation causes many familiar allergy symptoms .

8- Western medicine typically approaches illness through physical symptoms .

9- The cardinal symptom is inappropriate uterine bleeding.

10- My wife started having strange symptoms last fall.

11- The patient has been symptom free since.

12- These changes may cause symptoms like hot flashes.

13- My brothers lupus type of symptoms completely went away.

14- How are female heart attack symptoms different than male?

15- Not everyone has the exact same symptoms .

16- They reported ” symptom free” status in 85%.

17- The signs and symptoms are shown below.

18- When found in man serious clinical symptoms may result.

19- The main symptoms are nausea and vomiting.

20- The presenting symptom is most commonly pain.

21- Can food allergy or intolerance cause mental symptoms ?

22- The symptoms of depression are very real.

23- Major illnesses are usually accompanied by physical symptoms .

24- These injections may help to dull future headache symptoms .

25- Many days where the symptoms are mostly gone.

26- symptoms generally occur within 2 to 4 weeks.

27- The symptoms are worse in damp weather.

28- Unfortunately no data are given regarding mania symptoms .

29- The medical analogy is symptoms and cause.

30- Initial symptoms include fever and mild sore throat.

31- These symptoms usually appear within 15 minutes to 4 hours.

32- Each stage is characterized by different symptoms .

33- No association was found between depressive symptoms and stressful life events.

34- Such symptoms usually improve significantly after amalgam removal.

35- Another characteristic symptom is their noticeably bad breath.

36- Its symptoms are pretty easy to spot.

37- Flu symptoms usually last three to seven days.

38- Individuals experiencing these symptoms should seek medical attention.

39- People are succeeding in reversing neurological symptoms .

40- These symptoms usually disappear when exposure is stopped. Once patients are completely symptom-free they have acclimatized , and continued ascent is acceptable.

41- Is this symptom getting better or worse?

42- High fever is a prominent symptom of this disease.

43- The most common symptom of a hang-over is a headache.

44- Poor behavior by young children is often a symptom of a lack of attention at home.

45- Her anger at everyone and everything here in England is a classic symptom of culture shock.

46- Victor Hugo wrote that the first symptom of love in a young man is timidity, in a girl boldness.

47- Victor Hugo wrote that the first symptom of love in a young man is timidity, and in a girl boldness.

48- Paul Tillich once remarked that the awareness of the ambiguity of one’s highest achievements (as well as one’s deepest failures) is a definite symptom of maturity.

49- In 1989, Zhao Ziyang, who had expressed sympathy for pro-democracy student demonstrators, was replaced by Jiang Zemin as general-secretary of the Communist Party of China.

50- symptomI didn’t have a single symptom before going for my smear, or any pains.

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