symphonic in a sentence 2

Use ‘symphonic’ in a sentence | ‘symphonic’ example sentences

51- Music *symphonic Black Metal band Bal-Sagoth has an album named A Black Moon Broods over Lemuria which features Lemuria.

52- Two major works entirely dominated by orientalism are Rimsky-Korsakov’s symphonic suite Antar and Balakirev’s symphonic poem Tamara.

53- The releases since then have reincorporated electronic dance elements, and have redefined Leæther Strip into what Larsen calls, “symphonic electro”.

54- The main musical ensembles at Hart House are the orchestra, the chamber strings, the chorus, the jazz choir, the jazz ensemble and the symphonic band.

55- They have already made a name for themselves throughout the underground with their dark yet melodic blend of industrial metal with symphonic overtones.

56- Recordings She has made over sixty recordings, including complete operas, aria albums, symphonic works, solo recital programs, and popular crossover albums.

57- Arapahoe Band The Arapahoe Band program is a prestigious program and includes a concert band, symphonic band, wind ensemble, marching band, jazz band, and a music theory course.

58- symphonic Interlude The Battle of the Nations.

59- Troll is a Norwegian symphonic black metal band.

60- Premiered 3/97 by the Hellgate High School symphonic Band, John H. Combs, conductor.

61- ” His Victor releases had an almost symphonic sound, often with a strong use of tuba.

62- Works One of Hadley’s undoubted masterpieces is his symphonic Ballad: The Trees So High.

63- The Bands include the Concert Band, (Freshmen and Sophomores) and the symphonic Band (Juniors and Seniors).

64- Popov’s Symphony No. 1 is in three movements and roughly 50 minutes long, utilizing a large symphonic orchestra.

65- Analysis symphonic Song is a work demonstrating Prokofiev’s transition from Parisian modernism to Soviet lyricism.

66- Also wrong is his claim (ibid, pp. 289 and 302), on February 16, 1854, Liszt’s “symphonic poem Orpheus” was performed.

67- The symphonic Band is an entry-level band where students focus on sharpening their skills in rhythm, pitch, and balance.

68- His symphonic piece In Memoriam was the first new work to be premiered in Budapest when concerts could be given there again.

69- He was known as a perfectionist and had a knack for adding symphonic sounds to his recordings and producing dense arrangements.

70- They performed Gustav Mahler’s Adagietto from his fifth symphony and Leonard Bernstein’s symphonic Dances from West Side Story.

71- “, a big symphonic work for percussion and orchestra, was premiered by Brussels Philharmonic and Gert François as percussion soloist.

72- Salim Dada is the author of several symphonic compositions, chamber music, guitar pieces also for polyphonic choir and jazz ensemble.

73- Dr. Yu is quite prolific and has composed over hundreds scores in various genres ranging from chamber instrumental to symphonic works.

74- symphonic Choir is usually the student’s first opportunity to be in a mixed choir, and the learning curve of this task is also stressed.

75- The band’s music combines elements of symphonic metal with light electronic elements and rock.

76- His symphonic work My Homeland, also known as Manai Ekh Oron (Our Motherland), Brown, William A. et al.

77- Marching band The marching band includes members from the top two bands, Wind Ensemble and symphonic Band.

78- The symphonic outdoor drama is a kind of historical play, set outdoors on the very site depicted in account.

79- His symphonic poem “The Children’s Suite” was the inaugural recipient of the Edward B. Benjamin Prize in 1953.

80- Howl spends his time composing a symphonic masterpiece for the whales who congregate in the ocean near his property.

81- Walker, Weimar, 307. Liszt held an idealized view of the symphonic poem as being evocative rather than representational.

82- The symphonic fragments from the full score were first recorded in 1928 with the composer conducting (his only recording).

83- See also * Alex Otterlei References * Weytjens, S. Luc Van Hove: Compositions for symphonic Orchestra (liner notes to CD).

84- The symphonic poems of Franz Liszt are a series of 13 orchestral works by the Hungarian composer and are numbered S.95-107.

85- As Burleigh puts it, “it was the first time in the history of music that a Negro’s song had been a major theme in a great symphonic work”.

86- The Valley Symphony Orchestra in Los Angeles, California is a symphonic orchestra that is associated with Los Angeles Valley College (LAVC).

87- The band’s success has attracted numerous groups to perform at the school’s 850-seat Raidel Auditorium including the Notre Dame symphonic Band.

88- Hadley composed his symphonic poem Salome in 1905, not realizing that Strauss, whom he greatly admired, was working on an opera on the same subject.

89- The symphonic and concert bands have had equal success having received “Superior” ratings at local, national, and international festivals over the years.

90- The symphonic band plays a piece that the students have chosen, whilst the concert band plays march-style pieces at the entrance and exit of the graduates.

91- Leigh High School offers a concert band, a symphonic band, a wind ensemble which requires an audition, and a jazz ensemble which also requires an audition.

92- Briggs has a natural ability to improvise in various styles of music, dubious such as symphonic orchestra, Latin orquesta, R & B, gospel, jazz ensemble and even rap.

93- As a sophomore, he was moved to baritone sax in both jazz ensemble and symphonic band, and was promoted to lead alto in both bands at the beginning of his junior year.

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