sympathies in a sentence

Use ‘sympathies’ in a sentence | ‘sympathies’ example sentences

1- Our heartfelt sympathies are with the family .

2- Rochelle exhibited Protestant sympathies at an early period.

3- Montrose’s reward for his loyalist sympathies was more immediate.

4- And my sympathies once again to your lovely wife.

5- In their sympathies , children feel nearer animals than adults.

6- Royalist troops raided the town to threaten those with parliamentary sympathies .

7- He also sought to stem leftist sympathies amongst his troops.

8- Regardless , the family has my sympathies .

9- Jackson was well disposed towards journalists of left-wing sympathies .

10- A reminder of his own Western sympathies .

11- Constantine’s mother may have had Christian sympathies .

12- Rome’s sympathies therefore clearly lay with Octavian.

13- However, across the state, sympathies were mixed.

14- Deep sympathies to Eli ‘s beautiful family.

15- On November 2nd ftp demonstrated where his sympathies lay.

16- Human sympathies and antipathies depend on very little things.

17- Mounting nationalist sympathies led to chronic instability in government.

18- My sympathies to the family of Alex.

19- Those whose sympathies lie with Japan are keeping quiet about it.

20- The Song funded insurgents in the north that professed loyalist sympathies .

21- Good luck, you have my sympathies .

22- His sympathies during the war were decidedly with the Confederacy.

23- My sympathies & even greater respect for you Anthony.

24- My sympathies and I hope you get better .

25- Politically his sympathies were always with the Re form party.

26- Our sincere sympathies are with Denise and her family.

27- Our sympathies go to his family and close friends.

28- That depends on the intellectual sympathies of the woman.

29- His sympathies are such that he does not take sides.

30- Our sympathies go out to his family.

31- My sympathies for the loss of his wife.

32- Over time, the publication’s editorial sympathies became increasingly radical.

33- He also implies that Marlowe had Catholic sympathies .

34- The pacifist and the nationalist are here divided in their sympathies .

35- I returned to the home to offer my sympathies .

36- His feminist sympathies were but a facet of his realism.

37- I have made no secret of where my own sympathies lie.

38- Again, our sympathies .> 2.

39- His sympathies were apparently with the monarchy, under certain constitutional safeguards. You have my sympathies.

40- We sent our sympathies when we heard of her death, but were unable to attend the funeral.

41- One book has already been filled with sympathies from the community.

42- My sympathies are with you, your families and your church,” she said.

43- Our deepest sympathies and prayers go out to the victims and their families.

44- 914850We’re lost for words and our heartfelt sympathies go out to Jonah’s family..”

45- “The Boy Scouts of America extends our deepest sympathies to victims of any kind of abuse.

46- Insp Mark Hutcheon said: “This is a terrible crime and our sympathies are with the family affected.

47- This cost him the sympathies of many of his countrymen, and he eventually abandoned it.

48- My condolences and sympathies go out to all those who have suffered as a result of these atrocities.

49- In 1970, Pelé was investigated by the Brazilian military dictatorship for suspected leftist sympathies.

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