swooshing in a sentence

Use ‘swooshing’ in a sentence | ‘swooshing’ example sentences

1- He also said he felt the head swooshing thing last night.

2- Anybody hear that big swooshing sound going on over there?

3- Its like the swooshing of the seashore.

4- But the swooshing whooshing whiffling snorting noise was coming after him.

5- It looked very uninviting, swooshing about, and the water turning murky.

6- Adipex configuration pill pemes by swooshing the warrant gland which affects retail neurotransmitters.

7- Mrs. United States 2001 and her beloved also revel in swooshing down snowy slopes together.

8- It was deafening in his ears, this fearsome swooshing whooshing whiffling panting noise.

9- Got way too irritable and teary, but fortunately did not have any brain swooshing .

10- Maybe I’ll hear Maggie’s ground-car swooshing over the hill to rescue me.

11- Australian dingoes bark mainly in swooshing noises or in a mixture of atonal and tonal sounds.

12- The colour was draining from the screen, and a swimmy effect was swooshing my camera around.

13- It’s five in the morning and I can hear the first cars swooshing through empty streets.

14- Near by, boldly patterned shovelers filter-fed, swooshing their odd-looking spatular bills through the shallows.

15- I have had the dizziness, nausea, brain swooshing (love that description) and emotional swings.

16- But still the fearsome swooshing whooshing whiffling snorting noise grew louder and louder as it came closer and closer.

17- If you want to wane into a sputtering, swooshing , brightly-colored perpetual self-parody, go ahead.

18- While I was bent over the stove, stirring my evening meal, a sudden swooshing noise above startled me.

19- She could hear cars and lorries swooshing past and tried desperately to call for help but she had no breath.

20- The sound of the bikes swooshing by, the heavy breathing of the riders, the excitement of the moment.

21- Also, when the driver switches into autopilot, it no longer makes a neat, swooshing Star Trek sound effect.

22- Some who experience tinnitus only hear the ringing, pinging, whooshing and swooshing when they’re in a quiet environment.

23- I have a hard time swooshing the ball, for whatever reason, and I even do this when shooting threes.

24- Harvey cushing in the hunterian laboratory of johns hopkins before hosting its swooshing buspar sold in the philippines and drama in the johns hopkins hospital.

25- Oh it’s going to be cheesy with plenty of 3D swooshing , and even if it has two less than super heroes in it there are plenty supers to revel in just pick your favourite, Iron Man, Thor or Captain America.

26- Unwilling to go back to Gryffindor Tower and listen to Ron and Hermione snarling at each other, Harry watched Hagrid digging until the darkness swallowed him and the owls around Harry began to awake, swooshing past him into the night.

27- I stepped out of the frog croakie night into a sparkling spotlight of finely dressed Gatsby types swooshing around, each tightly held over the white marble dance floor, swooned by a three-piece with piano combo.

28- Australia has an dependable used during of music, impo and theatre; deficient of its swooshing cheeses companies fortify seaside trilogy through the loose government’s australia council.

29- Minimalism and big, juicy illustrations were the customer’s chosen concept, and we brought it into life using high contrast, geometry-based interface and a large swooshing picture in the background.

30- I am on day 4 of cold turkey and wish my only symptoms were the brain swooshing , dizziness and fireworks in my eyes along with the nightmares that I experienced on days 1 through 3.

31- I can’t thank you all enough for posting your comments because whenever I get the swooshing feeling and dizziness I am meeting it like a friend and know that eventually it will go and that this is the price I pay for the moment.

32- I will try the scented oil if needed, scents can be very soothing, but so far I really don’t feel too anxious, it’s just the swooshing in my head.

33- I had terrible dizziness accompanied by a swooshing sound in my ears (especially when moving, even just moving my eyes), and was often overcome by a strange, detached feeling.

34- Frank corrects him and asks why his helmet doesn’t seem to produce a swooshing “chuck” sound every time someone speaks, like it appears to with the rest of Bravo Squad.

35- The upper half of the 3 was separated from the lower half; the two halves came together to form two swooshing arches that would form the 3.

36- He also has the ability to assume the form of electricity and cover long distances instantaneously, although he just as often simply sticks his arms forward and runs while making swooshing sounds with his mouth, pretending to fly.

37- Growling very often occurs in combination with other sounds, and has been observed almost exclusively in swooshing noises (similar to barking).

38- Every second it was growing louder, and suddenly it was no longer a small wind, it was a fearsome swooshing whooshing whiffling snorting noise that sounded as though some gigantic creature was breathing heavily through its nose as it galloped towards him.

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