swooped in a sentence

Use ‘swooped’ in a sentence | ‘swooped’ example sentences

1- A shadow swooped across his face and vanished.

2- The target swooped overhead, twisting and turning.

3- She swooped down and trailed her fingertips along the surface.

4- They immediately swooped into action and started treating Henry.

5- Three planes swooped in, fast and low.

6- Bryant swooped in and recruited Mitchell aggressively.

7- The customer requested a palm tree swooped over on a rock.

8- Maybe someone has swooped in while I’m typing this.

9- U.S. Apache helicopter gunships swooped overhead during the battle.

10- The small hunting dragon swooped in and cawed.

11- Bald eagles swooped while low lying clouds played ’round the mountain tops.

12- The first aircraft swooped in to attack at 12:37.

13- Mildred swooped desperately after it but, alas, too late.

14- I swooped into the living room and landed on the couch.

15- Batman swooped in and grabbed the woman and the dummy.

16- The highest ranking ghem-officer in the room swooped down upon him.

17- Occasionally the planes swooped down for strafing runs on the infantry.

18- The plane swooped above them and thudded into the earth.

19- When docs released him, Phillys finest swooped in.

20- Several waves of torpedo bombers swooped in on the “Repulse.

21- The melody swooped and split into two, harmonizing with itself.

22- At which Bunny fussily swooped to retrieve it.

23- Every few seconds another insect swooped into oblivion with an electric sizzle sound.

24- At almost the same time, enemy fighters swooped in on her.

25- He swooped down on to the grass and took stance by it.

26- At that moment my “gaze” swooped down on the image).

27- The bird swooped across the infield just as Johnson was releasing the ball.

28- Suddenly it swooped down towards something in the bog and vanished from sight.

29- Rooks cawed and swooped high in the trees.

30- Gretzky swooped in behind the net and deftly stole the puck away.

31- One explosion grew into fifty as Beachey swooped over the model dreadnought.

32- I hallooed with glee at the roller-coaster feeling of being swooped aloft .

33- That ‘s when the Calgary Flames swooped in with an offer sheet.

34- I tried to cast my shadow across the underlying fields as I swooped along.

35- Her voice suddenly swooped into hysterics.

36- We swooped toward ITER ‘s base, then into the vacuum chamber.

37- Gently they swooped , turned, and climbed in the azure sky.

38- Her arm swooped and the cup of tea was dashed in Joseph’s face.

39- She gilded and swooped slowly and gently around us, watching us watching her.

40- Five hundred Cherokees swooped down upon us on horseback and surrounded our wagon train. A Congolese proverb notes, “Two birds disputed about a seed, when a third swooped down, and carried it off.

41- “The 5-foot-9 Bruins forward swooped down and took out the 6-foot-2 Borowiecki at his knees.

42- This was followed by a loud roar, similar to a jet passing overhead, as the bird swooped over the 6 m canopy at high speed.

43- Then a seagull swooped onto the green and picked up his ball several times.

44- Being unexpectedly swooped while cycling is not uncommon, and can result in loss of control of the bicycle, which may cause injury.

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