switch in a sentence

Use ‘switch’ in a sentence | ‘switch’ example sentences

1- The switch is actually pretty simple inside.

2- Instructions are manually loaded using front panel switches .

3- The teasing light had abruptly switched off.

4- The program envisioned relatively few large packet switches .

5- The replacement switch lasted exactly 2 days.

6- The three position direction switches include center off.

7- The players switch court every 6 points.

8- A three position tone control switch was provided.

9- The final result involved 12 seats being switched .

10- This enables switching between several root window desktops.

11- Later developments switched electronically between both modes.

12- The tilting mechanism has been switched off since 23.

13- There is visible lag while switching between apps .

14- An electronic management unit switches modes automatically .

15- It was switched off five days later.

16- Make sure steam switch is shut off.

17- A free output switches the drilling motor.

18- It is indeed possible to switch colleges.

19- They operate much faster than mechanical switches .

20- Must have required database permissions before partition switch .

21- The cause was a faulty automatic switch .

22- RR offers each farmer $1100 to switch .

23- Everybody else has to switch keyboard layouts.

24- The switch to smaller packages began long ago.

25- Many passengers switch flight after bomb threat.

26- We carry 4 and 8 camera switching units.

27- He uses a technique called ” switch scanning” .

28- Many politicians switch sides to secure votes.

29- I have since gotten better matching switches .

30- Wireless switches control lights through radio waves instead of wires.

31- Clinical response was assessed continuously until the patient switched off.

32- Shut off both switches before stepping away form the machine.

33- Never turn your “learning switch ” off.

34- The switching duty cycle increases as power output requirements increase.

35- The signal impact affects the switching point.

36- After every round the players switch roles.

37- The switches control which slope is selected.

38- Unlimited driving range where there are battery switch stations available.

39- An installed garbage disposal with air switch .

40- The electronic torque limiting switches are not functional during manual operation. Let me fix the switch.

41- She pressed the switch.

42- I saw his face switch to anger.

43- I felt after the switch in the dark.

44- I felt for the light switch in the dark.

45- She groped for the light switch in the dark.

46- I didn’t know when to switch the machine off.

47- He was still strong enough to squeeze a switch.

48- He was feeling for the light switch in the dark.

49- switch on the light.

50- I can’t see anything.

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