swings in a sentence

Use ‘swings’ in a sentence | ‘swings’ example sentences

1- The second heaviest bat gets 8 perfect swings .

2- Even standard swings are slightly more delayed.

3- It usually takes jagged swings between opposites.

4- Her mood swings quite frighten me sometimes.

5- Our legal pendulum swings to yet another extreme.

6- My weight swings were about 30 lbs.

7- There are sporadic upward and downward swings .

8- Her major mood swings are usually attributed to menopause.

9- These huge swings are difficult to explain.

10- Then the front door slowly swings open.

11- Why such massive swings in both direction?

12- There are four different types of swings .

13- It is characterized by severe mood swings .

14- The author ‘s mood swings are legendary.

15- This illness is marked by extreme swings of mood.

16- Do you go through mood swings easily?

17- The mood swings can be very rapid.

18- Risks are high considering the possible sizeable swings in capital.

19- Take note if your spouse has frequent mood swings .

20- Huge swings in value follow the better condition coins.

21- I also have been having crazy mood swings .

22- Allowing for unpredictable mood swings and skill functioning.

23- Eight swings are attached from a nearby platform.

24- It was found that wild population swings had occurred over centuries.

25- The girls celebrate it by having swings .

26- It also has swings inside the play area.

27- My mother swings her legs beneath the table.

28- We had seen his ability to create wide swings .

29- I consider 11 up swings as quite extreme.

30- The camera swings based on your home screen position.

31- It involves extreme mood swings that alternate between highs and lows.

32- That swings right back around into problem territory again .

33- While waiting they usually take practice swings .

34- They print easy and the hinge swings freely straight away .

35- The search is a dance with wide emotional swings .

36- T he markets have been experiencing severe mood swings .

37- It fits nicely with the wild swings mentioned above .

38- Some of the big swings are real .

39- Are mood swings common on the pill?

40- Annual price measures generally smooth out any quarterly swings . The women sat around chatting while the children played on the swings.

41- A dog collided with a 6-year-old girl playing on the swings on Sunday.

42- The yield on the 10-year government bond has been making major swings.

43- Whatever the Fed decides, it’s likely to cause more stock market swings.

44- Sales fell 1 percent, excluding the negative impact from currency swings.

45- Even if it only swings a couple percentage points of votes, in a 24-way (!

46- U.S. crude futures were down 13 cents at $51.08, following similar swings.

47- Stock swings aren’t necessarily indicative of underlying economic weakness.

48- The wild swings in stocks in the past week have only exacerbated the selling.

49- True relief from the heat will come after that front swings through by midweek.

50- “I’m getting some good pitches to hit and putting some good swings on baseballs.

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