swears in a sentence 2

Use ‘swears’ in a sentence | ‘swears’ example sentences

50- Dad removes the shoe, smooths down the pudding and swears the children to secrecy.

51- Clovis, in a fit of rage, swears vengeance and that he will find and kill this dragon.

52- Yu now swears revenge but before he can leave Shaolin he has to learn the Buddhist Finger technique, the only style that can defeat the Lama Chief.

53- Finally Harold swears an oath swearing to uphold William’s and help him in his endeavours, subject to William’s word that Edward had bequeathed the crown to him.

54- ” Tony swears on his children that nothing is going on.

55- Chrissa swears that she won’t tell anyone that she’s homeless.

56- Blaming Spider-Man for his father’s “murder,” Harry swears vengeance.

57- “Chamber swears in new board of directors”, ‘”Sudbury Star, 8 July 2005, A4.

58- He swears revenge on both Stark and Pepper as he is taken away by the police.

59- The suspicious janitor swears vengeance on J.D. if this proves to be the problem.

60- Fernando swears that they must find her so that he can find out why she wants to kill him.

61- Gandugali swears to hunt him down and kill him wherever he is if anything happens to Jayakeshi.

62- Jeek comes in and pulls Knell away from the battle while Knell curses at them and swears revenge.

63- However, Dylan wants to talk to Wayne and she swears that she will not tell her mother about meeting him.

64- Johnny also is humiliated by Govind and others, and swears vengeance with the help of Sadanana Kutty and Karim Khan Toofani.

65- Episode 76 Naina meets Rahul in the court and swears that she will punish him for his offence.

66- She swears revenge and claims that her spirit may be locked within Jane’s body but will eventually be free.

67- Sharon Newman and Nick try to get Victor to tell the truth, though he swears the truth is that he killed Diane.

68- He swears a Warrior’s Oath to Thanatos and takes over Dragon Lankford’s role as Sword Master at the House of Night.

69- Lucifer first swears revenge on Dream, but later comes to accept Dream’s critique of his role and project as Lord of Hell.

70- Georgia realises she turned it to attractor instead of repellor, and is then taken to reform school, but she swears revenge.

71- Her friends berate her for not being grateful to her rescuer, but Cleria blames the stars for her cruelty and swears that she will never love.

72- Mamyrov confronts Nikita’s wife, Evpraksia, with the truth, while her son – not yet personally involved with Nastasia – swears to avenge his mother.

73- Aggie assures Nick that she had all of her tests done and is physically clean but swears Nick to secrecy not wanting Bridget to know about her ordeal and worry.

74- Barquiel agrees to assist Imriel but also swears a vow to him: if he proves false or fails, Barquiel will make it his life’s work to hunt Imriel down and kill him.

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