swarm in a sentence

Use ‘swarm’ in a sentence | ‘swarm’ example sentences

1- Quantum particle swarm optimization is another approach.

2- The swarm complicated an already difficult situation.

3- Yet another swarm was observed in 2011.

4- His teammates swarm him before he ever reaches home plate.

5- My swarm missiles looking cool but not doing much.

6- And cold hopes swarm like worms within our living clay.

7- The definition of swarm intelligence is still not quite clear.

8- Tiny ants swarm the stage in waves.

9- Apparently, it is swarm season here.

10- The U.S. military is investigating swarm techniques for controlling unmanned vehicles.

11- Particle swarm optimization has been applied in many areas.

12- The trench rats which swarm about are fed on cheese.

13- Chinese student protestors swarm over a captured PLA tank.

14- We instantly attacked the bombers with a swarm .

15- Did they really swarm and attack the villagers?

16- I asked him what caused bees to swarm .

17- Fielding question from a swarm of hostile journalists.

18- The next wave consists of a huge swarm of small helicopters.

19- Colony founding can be either independent or swarm founding.

20- All attempts at containing the swarm have failed.

21- Airlines have used swarm theory to simulate passengers boarding a plane.

22- This is expected to move the swarm toward the best solutions.

23- Game is plentiful and the rivers swarm with fish.

24- The stars in this stellar swarm are hot and young .

25- Our planet is now exiting the swarm of energetic particles .

26- Red bee frees herself by summoning a swarm of mechanical bees.

27- Black spots swarm in Danny’s eyes.

28- The yard is swarming with straw hats.

29- Space battles often involve swarms of ships.

30- Soldiers swarmed inland and cut telephone lines.

31- Her crest creates swarms of vicious demons.

32- There are insect swarms that are immune to piercing damage.

33- This vast sheet of water swarmed with native boats”.

34- Some farmers captured swarms of wild bees and cultivated honey.

35- My question is when should the swarming inside end?

36- swarm intelligence has also been applied for data mining.

37- All four swarm like seagulls round the tiny sink.

38- Another earthquake swarm took place further north of Herðubreið.

39- The swarm was inventing new behavior, appropriate to the situation. A swarm of bees attacked us without mercy.

40- Patterson says this swarm likely broke off from a colony that got too large.

41- The swarm was so large that it devastated millions of crops and blotted out the sun.

42- 70371A Reuters witness said there was a swarm of emergency and police vehicles in the area.

43- The NYPD’s Bee Unit tweeted the below photo this afternoon: Another small swarm @54th & Beeway.

44- Parasitic fish swarm the shark’s body, feeding off debris on its belly and its giant spotted coat.

45- This week, Docker announced swarm, which provides native clustering for Dockerized distributed apps.

46- The resulting dense swarm of phytoplankton is called an algal bloom.

47- A sequel called geoDefense swarm was released on September 14, 2009.

48- Rhamnolipids have been proposed to be important in regulating swarm tendril formation.

49- Gameplay A swarm group bombarding ground targets Although their units largely parallel their counterparts, their unique ones are of note.

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