suspicions in a sentence 2

Use ‘suspicions’ in a sentence | ‘suspicions’ example sentences

51- There is not a single tangible element in this case that can confirm the suspicions.

52- Five recent deaths have heightened suspicions on both side of Ukraine’s ethnic divide.

53- Belgian law requires that schools report suspicions of terrorist activity to authorities.

54- The escape from the 3,000-inmate state prison has raised suspicions the men had help on the inside.

55- It says IAEA suspicions are based on false intelligence from the U.S., Israel and other adversaries.

56- 159068China never confirmed the chief executive’s suspicions, but removed the ban some months later.

57- Milind witnesses this, which further instigates his suspicions.

58- Before Ian’s death, he had confirmed their suspicions about Jason and Wilden.

59- Their suspicions were right when Trinchera, Giaccone and Indelicato were gunned down.

60- Her suspicions proved correct; after she showed it to “Grant”, his memories were restored.

61- The civilians however, could move around in the marsh without attracting German suspicions.

62- Mrs. Prime suspects his morals and motives, and communicates these suspicions to her mother.

63- suspicions were raised that the beating was connected to the hearing, but nothing was proven.

64- Griff and Grace cast a reveal spell, confirming Grace’s suspicions about the Shadows and finally exposing Michelle as their host.

65- Informing Wolfe Tone of his observations, who within weeks published his “Argument on Behalf of the Catholics of Ireland” to address these suspicions.

66- suspicions emerge The Seattle Post-Intelligencer reported that news of the deaths raised skepticism over whether the Saudi men really killed themselves.

67- suspicions of his loyalty caused him to flee to Mexico in 1842.

68- Greg’s initial suspicions are confirmed when Bobby sees an attempted theft.

69- Bahraini suspicions of the Iranian role in local unrest in the mid-1990s remain.

70- Florian’s suspicions for the true murderer of Fritz go so far that he suspects Hannelore.

71- However, Holden refused to believe that Lily would do that, but had suspicions that Damian would.

72- Jealousy can also be seen as a transgression in its own right, when a partner’s suspicions are unfounded.

73- However, Marke’s suspicions return and finally he finds them together and can no longer doubt their adultery.

74- Gersen, expecting an attempt at infiltration by Treesong, covertly uses a lie detector on her and confirms his suspicions.

75- Enos forwarded the letter to the assembly, using as a messenger someone who had long harbored suspicions about the actions of the Allen clan.

76- Before his mission to Hungary, Prideaux had visited Haydon and tipped him off about Control’s suspicions, thus inadvertently sealing his own fate.

77- Frank believes his son though because of their own close relationship and his own suspicions, stemming from Rick’s notable unease around Coleman at the ceremony.

78- Public suspicions led to a federal investigation into plant security and safety, and a National Public Radio report alleging 44 to 66 pounds of misplaced plutonium.

79- Hillman’s defence was that the whole thing had been a joke, apparently inspired by suspicions around Forest’s 8-0 defeat against West Bromwich Albion a few weeks previously.

80- From early on in Grasser’s tenure as Finance Minister there have been recurring suspicions of back room deals between Grasser and some of his political and business friends.

81- suspicions of personal and political betrayal.

82- Fosca was delighted by him, though she had her suspicions.

83- She spins lies to Balin that confirm his suspicions about Guinevere.

84- These suspicions are confirmed by performing a whois search on the “official site”.

85- His suspicions are confirmed when he catches the mother paying off a former customer.

86- Byers idolized his namesake, but always had suspicions about the real cause of his death.

87- Doyle, p. 186 Morris, Vol. I, p.458 His return augmented suspicions that he planned a coup d’état.

88- A Midnight Hour listener calls in to confirm Kitty’s suspicions that all is not right with this show.

89- Mr. Poe arrives, but they cannot prove their suspicions, as the note is written in Josephine’s hand writing.

90- “Rabuka’s words to one of my colonels at the height of the shootings raised my suspicions,” Bainimarama said.

91- Cliff and Ed’s relationship deteriorates as Ed’s suspicions about Cliff grow and Cliff reacts even more bitterly.

92- Ellery’s suspicions fall upon the households of John and Blythe, and Ty and Bonnie become suspicious of each other.

93- Susan’s admiration to Mohan, her teacher and the leader of a students union, creates suspicions in Jose’s mind also.

94- Haq allegedly received a traffic ticket on the way to the shooting, but did nothing to arouse the officer’s suspicions.

95- Many people were Christian in name, but the old ways were only half-forgotten, and suspicions about foreigners ran high.

96- This finding quelled suspicions that the crew had been taken from the vessel by the Russians during cold war hostilities.

97- Near a volcano Bond is attacked by helicopters, which he defeats, confirming his suspicions that SPECTRE’s base is nearby.

98- Her suspicions are confirmed when she uses a mixing board to make the subliminal track audible, but she is caught by Fiona.

99- Tyrone’s suspicions are aroused when he sees Kevin and Sally arguing outside the church as the coffin is being brought out.

100- He finds a picture for a different Nicholas Parsons when searching the Washington State DMV records to prove his suspicions.

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