suppress in a sentence 2

Use ‘suppress’ in a sentence | ‘suppress’ example sentences

50- Psychologists now believe that memory deficits which occur as we get older may be because we lose the ability to suppress irrelevant thoughts or irrelevant stimuli.

51- reliefPsychologists now believe that memory deficits which occur as we get older may be because we lose the ability to suppress irrelevant thoughts or irrelevant stimuli.

52- defineCharles Hamilton Houston once remarked that a Negro has handicaps enough without having to pay taxes to support the education of white students to learn how to suppress him.

53- His lawyers say they never filed a motion to suppress his statements.

54- Exposure to electric light can suppress your body’s melatonin production.

55- 671508That’s what happens when you try to suppress a powerful symbol.”””

56- There was gossip that we would be sent to Torun to suppress the strikes there.

57- 834358They’re the deepest offence imaginable to kill to try to suppress free speech.

58- And you might not care if Donald Trump wants to suppress journalists, because you’re not one.

59- It’s almost always wrong to try to suppress speech, erect speech codes and disinvite speakers.

60- We know that in humans poor nutrition, stress and lack of sleep can suppress the immune system.

61- “The use of cannabis is a problem but so also is the present use of the criminal law to suppress it.

62- The ruler also used the affair as a pretext to suppress the worship of Nahn Sapwe.

63- Sir Quentin meanwhile discovers Fleur’s novel-in-progress and seeks to suppress it as it reveals his evil plans.

64- Thus, he spends his days in seclusion from everyone, struggling with great effort to suppress this deadly programming.

65- Ngoupande also didn’t strongly support President Patassé’s decision to call in French troops to suppress the soldier uprising.

66- These newer agents effectively suppress the immune system in the affected area, and appear to yield better results in some populations.

67- In a number of comics, especially more so in recent years, Xavier is shown to have a dark side, a part of himself that he struggles to suppress.

68- Thus, a little salt was traditionally used to suppress weeds in beds intended for asparagus; this has the disadvantage that the soil cannot be used for anything else.

69- Himself opposed to the court policy, he yet tried to do his duty, and only gave up the attempt to suppress the revolution when it became clear that his troops were outmatched.

70- Sima Shi personally led an army to suppress the revolt.

71- Self- destructive acts may take place to suppress emotions.

72- Ever since he’s been trying to suppress all attempts of publicizing these events.

73- He appeared unwilling to suppress or even to acknowledge the violence of the Left.

74- In 1715 he raised a Regiment of Dragoons and helped suppress the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715.

75- Leonov explains that jets, flying at supersonic speeds clockwise around an eye of a hurricane, would suppress the storm.

76- On June 22, 1668, a Streltsy unit under the command of I.Volkhov arrived at the Solovetsky Islands to suppress the rebels.

77- Lê Hiển Tông (1740-1786) – This was a time of many revolts but the new Trịnh Lord, Trịnh Sâm managed to suppress them all.

78- Thornburgh, because of muddled communications thought a show of force on the Ute reservation would suppress any burgeoning uprising.

79- The BNP claims that such cases exemplify how political correctness is being used to silence it and suppress its right to freedom of speech.

80- They should ensure freedom of debate on and activity for reunification and not suppress, make reprisals on, persecute and punish political opponents.

81- Sporadic government attempts to suppress it due to its perceived immorality (it inherited some of the sensuality of ketuk tilu) just made it more popular.

82- McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-138564-9 Like the “nice guy,” the “people-pleaser” will suppress their own needs in order to satisfy the perceived needs of others.

83- There is a failure to suppress in the manic phase of bipolar disorder.

84- They suppress or deny all feelings towards others, particularly love and hate.

85- The slag contributes sufficient aluminium to suppress formation of ettringite.

86- They have been accused of misrepresenting a “Dalit” cause to suppress their missionary identity.

87- On 1 May 1517 he led a private army of 1300 retainers into London to suppress the Evil May Day riots.

88- He is Kurei’s adoptive father, and he trained Kurei to suppress his emotions and become his killing machine.

89- “Icaritin and its glycosides enhance osteoblastic, but suppress osteoclastic, differentiation and activity in vitro”.

90- The bishop, supported by the intendant, endeavored to suppress this trade and sent an ambassador to France to obtain remedial action.

91- Some cover crops suppress weeds both during growth and after death (Blackshaw et al. 2001).

92- Avoid sunlight/sunburn for at least a week on the back as this may suppress positive reactions.

93- Wang was promoted to General of Agile Cavalry (驃騎將軍) for sending troops to help suppress the rebellion.

94- “NDPP1 is a novel CARD domain containing protein which can inhibit apoptosis and suppress NF-kappaB activation”.

95- ” De la Barra and the Congress therefore decided to send troops under Victoriano Huerta to suppress Zapata’s troops.

96- Thus laughter forces people to be better and to suppress their vices, because laughter makes them be conscious of them.

97- T’hami now no longer believed in anything the French said, and pointedly refused them support to suppress a student strike.

98- Abacha proved to be perhaps Nigeria’s most brutal ruler and employed violence on a wide scale to suppress the continuing civilian unrest.

99- Edward’s loyal supporters in Argyll and Ross were to assist “his chosen and faithful subject Alexander of the Isles” to suppress the rebels.

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