superman in a sentence

Use ‘superman’ in a sentence | ‘superman’ example sentences

1- superman has been portrayed in many video games.

2- In 1978 ” superman ” was released.

3- superman sees video evidence of his attack.

4- superman arrives and quickly defeats the creature.

5- superman appears to have been fatally stricken.

6- superman has a plethora of great villains.

7- superman is fitted with a yellow ring .

8- superman is suddenly drained of his strength.

9- My very first superhero crush was superman .

10- The article fell under heavy criticism by upset superman fans.

11- Their efforts fail and superman is declared dead.

12- superman‘s public debut has differed throughout decades of publication.

13- The area superman lands resembles a destroyed city.

14- He was defeated by superman once more.

15- His memory was restored in ” superman ” 287.

16- Over 200 unknown actors auditioned for superman .

17- The superman line saw particular continuity issues regarding its supporting cast.

18- superman‘s appearance is distinctive and iconic.

19- Clark is later assigned the ” superman beat.

20- superman discovers that Joey has super powers.

21- The ” superman ” series had annuals published since 1960.

22- The death of superman involved 3 super villains perfectly .

23- He also helped superman battle a real werewolf.

24- superman is the most powerful hero in comics.

25- superman was also to prove very influential at stud.

26- superman Returns is full of religious allusion and iconography.

27- Being a drag queen is like being superman .

28- Batman believes superman is endangering innocent lives in his journey.

29- superman serves as the main DC mascot.

30- Peters had always wanted superman to fight a massive spider.

31- superman also became a hit in live action.

32- She was created essentially as a female superman .

33- Why did superman wear his pants outside his trousers?

34- One scene involved his heat vision being reflected by superman .

35- superman follows, after saving the small family.

36- superman uses this distraction to defeat Brainiac.

37- Another technique had a remote control cast of superman flying around.

38- superman he notes was very much part of that effort.

39- superman‘s age has varied through his history in comics.

40- This changed after superman begins his career. superman is able to bend a steel bar in half with his bare hands.

41- superman was only vulnerable when he came in contact with kryptonite.

42- Once again, superman foiled the villain’s plans to take over the planet.

43- superman is not mortal, so he can’t be hurt by things that hurt other people.

44- Clarke Kent had a hard time concealing his true identity as superman from Lois Lane.

45- One of the two men who were the creators of the comic book hero superman came from Toronto.

46- The young boys were arguing over who was the greatest superhero: Batman, superman, or Spiderman.

47- In every episode of television’s “Seinfeld”, there is a superman somewhere in at least one scene.

48- superman quickly fastened his cape around his neck, adjusted his costume and then leapt into the sky.

49- superman was rendered as weak and helpless as a kitten in the presence of the material known as kryptonite.

50- Kin Hubbard once suggested that peace has its victories no less than war, but it doesn’t have as many monuments to unveil.

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