superimposed in a sentence

Use ‘superimposed’ in a sentence | ‘superimposed’ example sentences

1- A wall is superimposed upon another wall.

2- Individual tracks are superimposed over collective tracks.

3- The inner shell is constructed in four superimposed horizontal sections.

4- And reality is not a superimposed state.

5- The purple line superimposed on top is the regression fit.

6- The cards are superimposed in numerical progression by tens.

7- The electric data is superimposed on Kentucky counties.

8- Gas, coal and oil reserves are superimposed .

9- Reduced sonic logs have been superimposed at well locations.

10- But there are small temperature fluctuations superimposed on this average.

11- Additional information is both superimposed on and arranged around this graphic.

12- So those three graphs for the simplest bit, superimposed .

13- Now you may create superimposed photos with even more pleasant experience .

14- Qubits are designed to handle simultaneously superimposed possibilities .

15- Approximate mediaeval parish boundary superimposed on 1901 map.

16- In both countries the crisis superimposed itself on more chronic economic problems.

17- Overlays are generally superimposed over the main price chart.

18- But that is superimposed , not our natural state.

19- Inside, superimposed slabs of stone or concrete line the walls.

20- It’s just superimposed on the bottom.

21- Groups were identified by a letter superimposed on the symbol.

22- Audit is a process that is superimposed on an accountability relationship.

23- A R C is superimposed into the film.

24- Upon this the signs of the zodiac are superimposed .

25- Mutation bias effects are superimposed on other processes.

26- The artwork with the finalised component layout superimposed on it.

27- In addition, wind driven waves are superimposed on the storm tide.

28- The fluctuations are superimposed on a baseline that is drifting steadily downwards.

29- The third rectangle is initially visualized as superimposed on the second.

30- Provide storm and sanitary sewer layouts superimposed on the proposed site plan.

31- This optically superimposed the molecular model and the electron density map.

32- Gun crew shelters were built fore and aft for the superimposed weapons.

33- That is a reinforcement structure of three superimposed concurrent schedules of reinforcement.

34- Bursts of fast eye movements were superimposed on these slow movements.

35- A separate dc bias is then superimposed on the transmitted signal.

36- Polychords are formed by two or more chords superimposed .

37- A television weathercast plays, superimposed on the mural.

38- The scene is superimposed over an outline map of New Jersey.

39- Another depicted the Liberty Bell superimposed on an atomic symbol.

40- The English-translated names are superimposed over these stills. The charts now show year-to-date crime superimposed on short term historical averages.

41- Ice on lakes is generally four types: Primary, secondary, superimposed and agglomerate .

42- superimposed on it were 400 African-American officers and 2,500 enlisted men of the 477th and its associated units.

43- The UPB communication method consists of a series of precisely timed electrical pulses (called UPB Pulses) that are superimposed on top of the normal AC power waveform (sine wave).

44- Map The map below shows the Wellington tramway network at its greatest extent, superimposed on a map of the city as it is today.

45- ” “No clichés are employed to simplify his task and no tricks are superimposed to foster an illusion of originality…He paints what he sees.

46- The Mark II, known as the service air rifle because of its use by the UK military, used break-action with a superimposed barrel locked by bolt action.

47- A corollary feature is “Let’s Bully,” which allows users to send insults over e-mail using an avatar of the user’s face superimposed over modifiable clip art.

48- While each player battles for dominance in this Sci-Fi Empire setting, they can use (or abuse) their access to Hyperspace – a second board superimposed over the first.

49- In one image, a photograph displayed in a storefront on Fashloom Street, Tripoli, Gaddafi’s face is superimposed on a picture of an African king, along with his many wives.

50- The image superimposed was of a local Alaskan right-wing radio show host and was implying that he was her “baby” regarding his positive coverage of her governorship foibles.

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