sun in a sentence

Use ‘sun’ in a sentence | ‘sun’ example sentences

1- The sun shines without rain once more.

2- sun reaches every living being without limitation.

3- The octopus tentacles became sun ray markings.

4- The hot sun made the cold water refreshing.

5- The coal miners rarely saw the sun .

6- The early morning sun causes shiny and strong colours.

7- The best nuclear power plant is our sun .

8- sun dollars kept the commercial engine running.

9- The empty jars are great for brewing herbal sun tea!

10- The best bite was very early before sun rise or evening.

11- The pool area is best for sun soaking.

12- The water + sun are a beautiful combination.

13- A few hours later the sun may emerge.

14- The sun had dropped behind the town.

15- A brilliant sun shone through the trees.

16- The autumn sun was beginning to set.

17- The emerald sun was still below the horizon.

18- Neptune revolves around the sun once every 165 years.

19- Morning or evening sun exposure is best.

20- The sun flushed fiery against the windows.

21- In the low morning dazzling washed sun .

22- The sun is trying to burn through.

23- Solar panels capture energy form the sun .

24- The sun shone brightly down upon the epic travellers.

25- sun exposure is the biggest risk factor.

26- The sun lodge building was demolished in 1989.

27- sun loves to eat extremely sweet stuff.

28- sun bathing and dust bathing are practiced.

29- One thousand billion dollars sun for 25 cents.

30- The sun is an intense radio source.

31- sun has no artist management deal currently.

32- The half sun has a twofold meaning.

33- The sun shone somewhere between warm and hot.

34- Than midday sun fierce bent against their faces.

35- The evening sun fell low upon him.

36- The eyes were narrowed against the sun .

37- The sun was reflecting off the window.

38- Winter vitality is known as passive sun .

39- Our sun is an incredible fusion engine.

40- To help increase sun tolerance and avoid burning 15 . Ablative lasers can be effective in treating severe skin aging and sun damage.

41- The sun is up.

42- The sun came out.

43- The sun is rising.

44- The sun was setting.

45- The sun is coming up.

46- Ice melts in the sun.

47- The sun has gone down.

48- The sun is going down.

49- The sun is rising now.

50- The sun comes and goes.

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