suitable in a sentence 3

Use ‘suitable’ in a sentence | ‘suitable’ example sentences

100- The play is suitable for ages 14+.

101- This book is suitable for ages 9 to 12 years.

102- The play is suitable for ages six and older.

103- The workshop is suitable for ages 2-5.

104- The agglomerating gasifiers have slightly higher temperatures, and are suitable for higher rank coals.

105- Taming the droplet But so far, few agrochemical companies have registered formulations suitable for ULV.

106- It is hoped that with improved agronomy , they will replace less suitable cultivars.

107- PE and PP are most suitable for this type of process.

108- A suitable method for excreting it must therefore exist.

109- Here are examples of connectives suitable for sumti: :la djekl.

110- Summary The Antec P180B, a computer case suitable for use as a silent PC.

111- This species can become quite weedy in suitable climates if not restrained.

112- This degrades regulation, and is not suitable for regulators with varying ground current.

113- They were conceived as mixed traffic locomotives equally suitable for goods and passenger work.

114- Crowds no longer found this to be suitable entertainment and accordingly, they began to dwindle.

115- Ahrons 1987, p. 131. One such engineer was Beattie, who designed a boiler suitable for coal in 1853.

116- These are easy duets, described as being suitable for vielles (hurdy-gurdies) and musettes (bagpipes).

117- For example, sculpin males defend “caves” underneath rocks which are suitable for the incubation of embryos.

118- The couple looked after Jack while his father, who was at the time living in a bedsit, found a suitable flat.

119- Hahnemann saw these data as a way of identifying substances suitable for the treatment of particular diseases.

120- The bikes can be lent from, and returned to, any station in the system, making it suitable for one way travel.

121- NiZn ferrites exhibit higher resistivity than MnZn, and are therefore more suitable for frequencies above 1 MHz.

122- ” Burns testified that the killings were suitable because the three victims had interfered with the “expropriation”.

123- These are dispersed presumably by wind and if they land in a suitable environment can develop into a new gametophyte.

124- Vision Research and Artificial Intelligence fields are involved in the definition of suitable approaches to the problem.

125- The high alumina content makes it particularly suitable for salt glazing, where common salt is thrown onto the kiln fire.

126- The schooner rig is suitable for larger boats because it breaks down the sail into smaller canvas which is easier to handle.

127- Hence, in principle, Kohn-Sham based DFT is not a band theory, i.e., not a theory suitable for calculating bands and band-plots.

128- Eardley bought another more suitable, but still basic cottage there in 1954; it had no electricity, running water or sanitation.

129- None in or near New Orleans was suitable, so they established their own at Jefferson City, on the river just north of the city line.

130- The series is published by Tokyopop and is rated as suitable for persons over the age of 16 as it contains scenes with partial nudity.

131- The publisher, William Tardy, was a high school Spanish teacher, and he was determined to publish only books suitable for schoolchildren.

132- They live in a flat above a supermarket in Fulham, and are down on the luck, with hopeless Herbert not being able to get a suitable job.

133- As chief censor he introduced, in 1930, the classification system that graded films ‘For General Exhibition’ and ‘Not suitable for Children’.

134- The larger vehicle, however, was no longer suitable for the original demonstration system at the CNE and a new real-world test site was needed.

135- Breeding The Red-kneed Dotterel generally breeds from October to January, though it may nest in other months if suitable water conditions exist.

136- One class of filtration techniques is based on the use of membranes with suitable hole sizes, whereby the liquid is pressed through the membrane.

137- Page 116. Despite being an essential industry the works had difficulty obtaining suitable workers to construct all the ships on their order books.

138- Her amount of experience, knowledge and success within the Rio Tinto company made her that much more suitable for the job and its responsibilities.

139- Uncropped plots at least 2 ha in size provide nesting habitat, and are located in suitable arable fields, which provide additional foraging habitat.

140- Swami Vivekananda entrusted him with the task of building the Math campus as also preparing suitable plans for a memorial temple for Paramahamsadev.

141- Secondly, in place of a static array, each item was put onto a separate magnetic hexagon that could be attached to and moved on a suitable whiteboard.

142- Roll-cages must be fitted and be built to a suitable standard, recovery points must be fitted front and rear and fuel tanks must meet certain standards.

143- Dunning 2003, pp. 167-173 The final plan for the assault was for the SBS and a section from No. 1 Troop, to go first and reconnoitre a suitable landing point.

144- Crucible swelling index (free swelling index) The simplest test to evaluate whether a coal is suitable for production of coke is the free swelling index test.

145- Such dispersions are stable for 10-15 days with little or no chemical changes and are suitable for coating purposes or for extrusion into a precipitating bath.

146- The Eureka Peak Road, an unpaved dirt road leads up to the summit from Upper Covington Flat and is drivable by 4-wheel drive vehicles under suitable conditions.

147- In Blanchard’s Zorch-speak, nervous meant ‘cool’ and its more conventional meaning, which aptly conveyed Drake’s morbid bashfulness, made the word doubly suitable.

148- Well over mi (0 km) in length and up to mi (0 km) wide, the numerous reefs, sand banks, and mangrove swamps of the island’s coast offered few suitable landing sites.

149- A few camcorders have a built-in projector suitable to make a small projection; a few more powerful “pico projectors” are pocket-sized, and many projectors are portable.

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