suggest in a sentence 2

Use ‘suggest’ in a sentence | ‘suggest’ example sentences

50- I suggest that we hold off on making a decision until all bids are in.

51- Some people suggest that lottery tickets are simply a tax on stupidity.

52- Could you suggest a good restaurant? My parents are visiting from Ontario.

53- Statistics suggest that the population of this town will double in five years.

54- It is utter nonsense to suggest that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

55- It is total nonsense to suggest that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.

56- Studies suggest that overall, more people dream in black and white than in color.

57- Studies suggest that females are more likely than males to conform to group pressure.

58- Leonardo da Vinci was the first to suggest using contact lenses to see, back in 1508.

59- Preliminary meetings suggest that there will be little trouble coming to an agreement.

60- If you ask me, it’s nonsense to suggest that women can’t succeed in the business world.

61- Experts suggest that about 1,200 computer viruses are in circulation at any given moment.

62- Recent studies suggest that smokers show a faster decline in their memory than non-smokers.

63- Critics suggest that government initiatives to deal with the AIDS problem are not adequate.

64- Some doctors suggest that taking vitamin pills is not really very beneficial to our health.

65- Fashion experts suggest that wearing clothes with vertical stripes makes a woman look thinner.

66- Some people suggest that pornography empowers women, while other believe that it exploits them.

67- Studies suggest that estimates of the number of child workers worldwide are totally unreliable.

68- Studies suggest that Chinese babies cry less, and are more easily consoled than American babies.

69- Health experts suggest that the average person should make protein 15 to 20 percent of their diet.

70- There is ample evidence to suggest that South America has been inhabited for at least 10,000 years.

71- Studies suggest that estimates of the number of child workers worldwide are notoriously unreliable.

72- Some psychologists suggest that creative individuals are more likely to suffer from mood disorders.

73- Those who are critical of IQ tests suggest they fail to provide a broad index of human intelligence.

74- The theories of Pitirim Sorokin suggest that social inequalities can never be completely eliminated.

75- To maximise profits, I suggest we reduce our unit price in order to sell a greater volume of product.

76- To increase profits, I suggest we reduce our unit price in order to sell a greater volume of product.

77- Recent reports from the region suggest that the government is losing the battle against the guerrillas.

78- Some sociologists suggest that people seek others who will satisfy their needs to help them obtain goals.

79- Studies suggest that over 60 percent of Americans believe it may be possible to communicate with the dead.

80- He got tired of being the devil’s advocate and now agrees with every idea they suggest, no matter how dumb.

81- Recent studies suggest that between 15-20% of Americans’ daily caloric intake takes the form of snack foods.

82- Critics suggest that a radical reform of our health care system is needed before costs spiral out of control.

83- Because of the church’s treatment of Galileo, many people suggest that religion is incompatible with science.

84- Experts suggest that a suicidal person is feeling so much pain that they can see no other option than to die.

85- Sociologists suggest that rumors generally spread among people of equal status, friends, associates and peers.

86- Studies seem to suggest that there is a universal recognition of certain basic facial expressions of emotions.

87- Reports now suggest the drug may induce heart attacks, and users should be closely followed by their physician.

88- Studies suggest that the bulk of social science literature has been written by men on topics of interest to men.

89- Statistics suggest that buying a franchise is more likely to be successful than going into business as an independent.

90- It is wrong to suggest that humans have stopped evolving simply because we haven’t observed changes during our history.

91- Some scholars suggest that Galileo’s book Principia may have contained a general formulation of the concept of gravity.

92- Studies of the surviving specimens of Ancient Greek music suggest that it resembled the music of the early Middle Ages.

93- Experts suggest that a suicidal person is feeling so much pain that they can see no other option than to kill themselves.

94- There is evidence to suggest that ginger root is effective against motion sickness and nausea when taken in powdered form.

95- Theoretical models of the planet Jupiter suggest that it contains a core of dense material much like our rocks and metals.

96- Many people suggest that the problem with Western medicine is that it treats the symptoms of disease rather than the cause.

97- Witnesses suggest that the police were entirely unjustified in their use of force, as the suspect didn’t try to fight back.

98- Some scientists suggest that the entire enterprise of life can be viewed as simply a vehicle for the transformation of water.

99- Meister Eckhart once stated that if the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.

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