sugary in a sentence

Use ‘sugary’ in a sentence | ‘sugary’ example sentences

1- Fruit juice ÔÇô just another sugary drink?

2- Please limit sugary juices and sugary dessert items.

3- Please limit sugary juices and sugary dessert items.

4- Avoid sugary soft drinks and fruit drinks.

5- Food stamp recipients spent $ 2 billion on sugary drinks alone.

6- Don’t eat too much sugary food.

7- Simple or sugary carbs are the real villain.

8- This is not the teenage sugary sweet stuff.

9- Hoffman described it as ” sugary synth pop”.

10- Stop smoking and cut down on sugary snacks.

11- The sugary drinks invite health hazards to several people.

12- Thanks for a great sugary butter cookie recipe!

13- This will prevent sugary snacks later on.

14- Breakfast I find warm food easier than sugary cereal .

15- It was a really sweet story BUT almost too sugary sweet!

16- You should avoid greasy, sugary or fried food.

17- Grandma regretted her sugary snack and cup of coffee.

18- Reduce sugary snacks to twice a day.

19- Reduce sugary snacks to three times a day.

20- Adding coffee to a sugary breakfast just makes matters worse.

21- The aroma of the honey remains without the sugary sweetness.

22- It is not sugary either, it smells very sophisticated.

23- Once indoors, carpenter ants feed on meat and sugary foods.

24- Eat fewer sugary foods like cakes, sweets and biscuits.

25- Her songs are often sugary and artificialÔÇôNutraSweet soul.

26- The cereal is very simple not to sugary not to bland.

27- Restrict sugary snacks to four times per day.

28- The first to go were the sugary drinks.

29- It comes in the form of processed foods and sugary drinks .

30- Avoid sugary sodas and drinks if possible.

31- This is contributing to the amount of sugary foods children are consuming.

32- It is calling for governments to tax fatty food and sugary drinks.

33- The greatest increase has been in the consumption of sugary sodas .

34- Food companies use cartoons characters to sell sugary fatty foods to kids.

35- Simple carbs include white flour, white rice, and sugary foods.

36- For the study , individuals drank a sugary lactulose syrup.

37- Avoid snacking and consuming sugary drinks while working as well .

38- Sweet caramel, malty orange and pineapple, sugary .

39- Less good for you are sugary drinks, sweets and jams.

40- But they’re caught up in these super sugary drinks. 381846I see that patients will still be able to order sugary drinks.

41- Drink water Antle says to avoid sugary drinks and keep pop and coffee to a minimum.

42- Photo: Jeff Chiu / Associated Press Americans are asked to cut down on sugary drinks.

43- If you are hungry when a sugary temptation crosses your path your body needs real food.

44- It is sugary throughout, balanced by robust but not overpowering roast and smoke flavors.

45- Add a few strawberries and top it with a big spoonful of plain (not sugary) Greek yogurt.

46- In November, voters in Berkeley, Calif., approved a special, per-ounce tax on sugary drinks.

47- To slash unhealthy calories in pie, avoid sugary canned fillings and use only half the crust.

48- I expected sugary parties at Tel Aviv Pride and touristy excursions of the Old City in Jerusalem.

49- The sugary, waxy taste of candy corn has also inspired smoothies, cocktails and even Jell-O shots.

50- Agoraphobia be frequently linked by sugary, order retin a no prescription being.

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