suffrage in a sentence 2

Use ‘suffrage’ in a sentence | ‘suffrage’ example sentences

51- Ramey competed as Miss District of Columbia and worked during her reign to help win suffrage for Washington D.C. in 1945.

52- Mary Church Terrell, the Association’s first National President, also played an important role in the fight for woman suffrage.

53- Huxley, p. 34 The Women’s Liberal Federation busied itself with the question of women’s suffrage through 1908 and into early 1909.

54- The emerging ‘New Woman’ and the growing universal suffrage movements led Silberrad to place different female characters in the centre of her fiction.

55- Women’s suffrage was the most consequential change.

56- Reimeikai’s membership supported universal suffrage and freedom of assembly.

57- When suffrage came, Manley had to wait ten years and two terms before his party was elected to office.

58- In 1907 he proposed universal male suffrage to the parliament and in 1912 he was formally elected leader.

59- In 1999, Jackson was included on the honour roll celebrating the centenary of women’s suffrage in Western Australia.

60- On April 8, 1848, a law allowing universal suffrage and an indirect (two stage) voting system was agreed by the assembly.

61- The Basic Law does not provide for universal suffrage or for direct election of either the legislature or the Chief Executive.

62- Lee supported civil rights for all, as well as a system of free public schools for blacks, but dissented regarding black suffrage.

63- Clara was chairman of the Republican Women’s State Executive Committee, and Vice-president of the Michigan Equal suffrage Association.

64- Ip responded that she supports the 2012 universal suffrage since she studied in the United States, and accused Chan of being “a radical”.

65- In New York, upper class women who thought they had a behind-the-scenes voice often opposed suffrage because it would dilute their influence.

66- In 1907 she sold her home in Manchester and began an itinerant lifestyle, moving from place to place as she spoke and marched for women’s suffrage.

67- The progressives favoured a corporatist economy and extension of suffrage while the conservatives, who represented business interests opposed both.

68- In January, 1918, Wilson announced that women’s suffrage was urgently needed as a “war measure”, and strongly urged Congress to pass the legislation.

69- If first-wavers focused on absolute rights such as suffrage, second-wavers were largely concerned with other issues of equality, such as the end to discrimination.

70- When Fester pointed out that there was no women’s suffrage in 1906 (implying Grandmama lived in the U.S. at the time), she cryptically declared “That didn’t stop me!

71- Redmond had said he would never support female suffrage under any circumstances.

72- In 1867-96, eastern activists promoted woman suffrage in Utah as an experiment, and as a way to eliminate polygamy.

73- She was well informed about in particular the British and American suffrage movement, and once invited Sylvia Pankhurst for a lecture.

74- suffrage is universal among Israeli citizens aged 18 years or older, but voting is optional.

75- Law 8871, or the Sáenz Peña Law of 1912 established universal, secret and obligatory male suffrage.

76- In 1928, British women won suffrage on the same terms as men, that is, for persons 21 years old and older.

77- The campaign of 1867 was the very first test of women’s suffrage; and most activists were not experienced in raising money.

78- Once women over 30 were enfranchised in 1918 she led the suffrage Society into a new phase as the Society for Equal Citizenship.

79- suffrage is universal and compulsory for every Egyptian citizen over 18. Failure to vote can result in fine or even imprisonment.

80- Universal suffrage was long established; anything less was not a choice by the people as required by ss7 and 24 of the Constitution.

81- Grimké’s Letters are widely recognized as an early feminist argument, although only two of the letters address feminism and women’s suffrage.

82- Only with the passage of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 did African Americans regain suffrage and other civil rights.

83- He was non-supportive of women’s suffrage and expressed in a letter to women’s suffragette leader Ermina Thompson Folsom that his concern was race-based.

84- A faggot voter or faggot was a person who qualified to vote in an election with a restricted suffrage only by the exploitation of loopholes in the regulations.

85- Wallonia has a parliament (one chamber with 75 members elected for five years by direct universal suffrage) and a government responsible in front of the parliament.

86- ” Pugh, p. 61. In addition to her work on behalf of women’s suffrage, she became active with the Women’s Liberal Federation (WLF), an auxiliary of the Liberal Party.

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