suffering in a sentence 3

Use ‘suffering’ in a sentence | ‘suffering’ example sentences

101- She thinks that hunters should be forbidden from inflicting suffering upon animals for sport.

102- Some Buddhists believe that individual liberation is impossible if other people are suffering.

103- He has a very punishing work schedule, and his health and family life are suffering because of it.

104- Some people believe that the Buddha’s teachings are pessimistic because of the emphasis on suffering.

105- Someone once joked that marriage is a three-ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering.

106- According to the Sikh religion, one clears oneself from the debt of sins and karmas through suffering.

107- Our dog was very old, and was suffering terribly from arthritis, so we decided to have it put to sleep.

108- My father-in-law decided to make some drastic changes in his life after suffering a heart attack due to stress.

109- John Ciardi once said that one doesn’t have to suffer to be a poet, adolescence is enough suffering for anyone.

110- Dublin, Ireland’s inner city is said to be suffering from urban decay caused by poor city planning in the 1950s.

111- Harriet Jacobs once suggested that there are no bonds so strong as those which are formed by suffering together.

112- Helen Keller once observed that although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.

113- Discussion question: Some people say that a person’s character grows only through suffering.

114- Do you agree? chargeWe are living in fear, we are suffering, we are not enjoying the sun and flowers, we are not enjoying our childhood.

115- After suffering injustices and insults by racists, Mahatma Gandhi launched a movement for equal rights in South Africa.

116- In 1994, President Roman Herzog of Germany apologized for the suffering his nation caused Poland in the Second World War.

117- There is a Japanese proverb which notes that only through suffering and sorrow do we acquire the wisdom not found in books.

118- In the painting, Mary’s pose echoes that of Christ, signifying her physical and emotional identification with his suffering.

119- André Gide once noted that true kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one’s own the suffering and joys of others.

120- Studies show that some galaxies are suffering tremendous eruptions as their cores blast radiation and matter outward.

121- escalateLydia M.

122- Craig Kielburger has suggested that all the suffering and violence in the media have conditioned us to become passive bystanders.

123- Marijuana, though illegal, is sacred to the Rastafarians of Jamaica, and is used for healing suffering, and raising consciousness.

124- I truly sympathize with you regarding your poor health, but the fact is, your work is suffering and we are going to have to let you go.

125- Craig Kielburger has suggested that all the suffering and violence in the media have conditioned us to become passive bystanders.

126- conductAmong the people of the colonies suffering under Earth’s tyranny a force emerges intending to overthrow the status quo through terrorism.

127- You have a dangerously high cholesterol level, and unless you do something to bring it under control, you risk suffering a major heart attack.

128- Some animals in factory farms spend their lives confined to concrete stalls and metal cages, terrified and suffering in such unnatural conditions.

129- The old man’s quick death was a mercy, given that it saved him from the long, suffering death that many others with the same illness have experienced.

130- Of course, they are suffering from terrible working conditions such as low wages and arbitrary layoffs, as well as from various forms of discrimination.

131- A recent study suggests that up to 70% of the young people living on North America’s streets left their homes after suffering abuse of some kind from family members.

132- Craig Kielburger once remarked, “For each time that I have felt overwhelmed by all of the suffering and hatred in the world, I can also remember a time when I felt hope.

133- “Thousands of woman in this country have filed a suit against a company which manufactures breast implants, after suffering health problems caused by leaks from the implants.

134- Recent studies suggest that the countries that are suffering the most from climate change due to global warming are actually those countries which are least responsible for causing it.

135- Bertrand Russell once said, “Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

136- “Helen Keller once said that character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.

137- Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

138- Herman Melville once suggested that the scene of suffering is a scene of joy when the suffering is past, and the silent reminiscence of hardships departed is sweeter than the presence of delight.

139- remoteRita Mae Brown once joked, “The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four people is suffering from some form of mental illness.

140- Think of your three best friends.

141- If they’re okay, then it’s you.

142- “Even some new and promising tech stocks, like Twitter, are suffering.

143- A lot of people are suffering but they’re not pimping out their kids.

144- He’s certainly not suffering whatsoever, he’s actually still thriving.

145- We are not going to take money off people who are suffering,” he said.

146- Gale isn’t playing at the worlds after suffering an upper-body injury.

147- Please share, then, the suffering of Oscar-winning actor Russell Crowe.

148- Khanal, 28, was possibly suffering from a broken leg, Reuters reported.

149- 344613Importers and exporters are suffering significant cargo delays.”

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