sued in a sentence 2

Use ‘sued’ in a sentence | ‘sued’ example sentences

50- The advertisments were so misleading that they were downright lies, and the clients sued the company.

51- missileThey sued the amusement park where their daughter got a severe case of whiplash while riding on the rollercoaster.

52- She sued the guy that hit her car for $20,000 because she got a really bad case of whiplash as a result of the accident.

53- A major shoe company was sued for using an excerpt of a Beatles’ song in one of their television ads without permission.

54- Fred Allen once joked, “I learned law so well, the day I graduated I sued the college, and got my tuition fees back.

55- ” sufferIn December of 1970, Paul McCartney sued the other three Beatles to dissolve their partnership, and gain control of his financial interests.

56- The school was sued by the parents of a young girl who was seriously injured in gym class when a piece of equipment broke while she was using it.

57- Some lady in the U.S. sued MacDonald’s for thousands of dollars after she burnt herself with her coffee because she said their coffee was too hot.

58- Madeleine Schickedanz, who lost nearly all of her fortune, sued Sal.

59- New Jersey sued ExxonMobil in 2004 for pollution dating back decades.

60- Even after King sued, the company continued to call another 74 times.

61- Davis refused to issue licenses, and four couples sued her last month.

62- It would have driven her out of business, and Ms. Loving sued the IRS.

63- The Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Tribal Nation sued in federal court in July.

64- Jennings and Ferguson were both sued in federal court earlier this year.

65- Arizona’s was put on hold in November after civil liberties groups sued.

66- If we all run around being afraid of being sued, where does that get you?

67- She also sued the ministry because of statements it made in a news release.

68- 801414The Sons of Confederate Veterans sued, and Kiser sided with the group.

69- Flint, along with almost 200 other condo buyers, sued to get their money back.

70- Coats has been quadriplegic since he was 16. Coats sued Dish Network and lost.

71- Kelly never misbehaved with a single white girl who sued him or that we know of.

72- Twenty-six states sued the Obama administration last year to block the prograMs. FutureSelect sued the auditing firm in 2010 for about $100 million of its losses.

73- Still, Arpaio was sued in his individual capacity and remains a party to the case.

74- Cosby Says 7 Women Who sued Him Lied “There was nothing credible about the threat.

75- Increased drug price by 5,000% Retrophin sued Shkreli in August for $65 million US.

76- Environmentalists who sued to force Tuesday’s decision are certain to challenge it.

77- The accuser sued him and said she would stop cooperating in the new case if he won.

78- SPIEGEL: A few years ago the medical devices company NMT Medical sued you for libel.

79- Constand later sued Cosby and they settled out of court for undisclosed terms in 2006.

80- TreeHouse actually sued Keurig, alleging unfair practices for locking out competitors.

81- Several groups of employees, retirees, union representatives, teachers and others sued.

82- If there’s any risk of being sued by a customer, you probably want liability insurance.

83- “But it’s better when prison officials decide to do the right thing without being sued.

84- The company also sued five former A123 employees, who could not be reached for comment.

85- First the magazine was sued, and then its editor, Will Dana, announced his resignation.

86- Obergefell sued after Arthur died and Ohio would not list him on the death certificate.

87- The drugmaker sued him for $65 million, saying he had breached his duty to the company.

88- Pittman sued after he was fired, but a lower court dismissed his suit in February 2013.

89- Oracle sued Google five years ago and is seeking roughly $1 billion in copyright claiMs. For the 31 parents and grandparents who sued, it’s a risk they are not prepared to take.

90- Jackson previously sued the city to have the ban lifted, but the court ruled against it.

91- The victims also have sued the Riverside Unified and Val Verde Unified school districts.

92- In 2013, Google was sued by email users for scanning messages to and from Gmail accounts.

93- DENVER – Colorado already is being sued by two neighboring states for legalizing marijuana.

94- UPS refused to accommodate her, Young sued under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, and lost.

95- They watched as four other couples sued Davis and the case crept its way through the courts.

96- Oracle argued that people can’t be sued solely for their actions on behalf of their employer.

97- If the cat ends up being more attached to you than their real owner, you could even get sued!

98- The victims in both incidents sued Griffin, and the indictment says he lied in both civil cases.

99- In the past, Burning Man has sued the Girls Gone Wild filmmakers on similar grounds and and won.

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