successor in a sentence 4

Use ‘successor’ in a sentence | ‘successor’ example sentences

151- McFadyen was soon mentioned as a possible successor, even before his election to the legislature.

152- His successor, Kumwimbe Ngombe, had to fight several campaigns to recover the eastern territories.

153- Toda’s successor Daisaku Ikeda describes his goal as carrying out the dreams of Makiguchi and Toda.

154- In 1998, when Moonves was again promoted as the president of CBS, he named Tellem as his successor.

155- Redesign The N93i in its open position The N93i is more of a redesign, than a successor to the N93.

156- Miss Chadwick disliked Miss Vansittart and did not consider her a suitable successor for Meadowbank.

157- His successor Louis XVI, Victoire’s nephew, then permanently exiled the powerless mistress from court.

158- His successor Henri II (1547-59) was also an excellent player and continued the royal French tradition.

159- Kelly was Beck’s successor at Grand Valley State in 1991 and is currently the head coach at Notre Dame.

160- Gao was in the service of the Later Liang Dynasty (the successor of the Tang Dynasty in northern China).

161- The Tele. 150, like its successor the Tele. 162/232, was actually only the ‘front end’ of the telephone.

162- Duplessis’ successor in 1959, Paul Sauvé agreed with Johnson and he continued to pave the way for the dam.

163- Each Dáil in turn was the successor of the earlier one and the legitimate parliament of the Irish Republic.

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