succeeding in a sentence 3

Use ‘succeeding’ in a sentence | ‘succeeding’ example sentences

101- Rasoherina (1814 1 April 1868) (also Rasoaherina) was Queen of Madagascar from 1863 to 1868, succeeding her husband Radama II following his presumed assassination.

102- Opera Director In May 1935 Johnson became general manager of the Metropolitan Opera, succeeding Herbert Witherspoon who died suddenly, just six weeks into his tenure.

103- Schlegel was named the president of the University of San Francisco, succeeding Father John Lo Schiavo, who had served as USF’s president for the prior fourteen years.

104- Jacques De Lancy, ecuyer, was descended from Guy de Lancy, ecuyer, vicomte de Laval et de Nouvion (1432), whose son Jean, succeeding him in 1436, had a son Jean (1470).

105- She was unaware that Will could only rescue his father by killing Davy Jones and succeeding him as the Flying Dutchman’s immortal captain, bound to sail the Netherworld.

106- ;1925-50 – The Golden harvest While the first quarter of the 20th century was a period of experiment and innovation, the succeeding quarter was one of creative achievement.

107- Career Fish was elected as a Republican to the 91st United States Congress and was re-elected to the 12 succeeding Congresses, serving from January 3, 1969 to January 3, 1995.

108- Weekend Programming * Rolling news is shown during most of the daytime, but the 2nd and succeeding hours are rebroadcasts of the first hour with stories and segments shuffled.

109- succeeding in her plot, Fernando and Tong are then framed for the deaths and made to fight each other in a death duel for Queen Sudachan, her new king, and the crowd’s amusement.

110- The succeeding Fairmile D design could be fitted out either as MGB or MTB.

111- succeeding Rev. Drake was Rev. Thedford Johnson, who was serving as Assistant Pastor.

112- ” signature line (provided by Blanc) would continue to be recycled in the succeeding shorts.

113- The TL-2000 Sting S3 was announced at Sun’n’Fun, Lakeland, Florida, succeeding the StingSport.

114- Such a change becomes effective on the fifteenth day following the succeeding general election.

115- The plan is praised for its beauty and novelty and for succeeding in enhancing the public realm.

116- The same will be done with the succeeding three movies, creating a sixteen-episode fifth season.

117- Mosher was elected as a Republican to the Eighty-seventh and to the seven succeeding Congresses.

118- A number of succeeding designs followed, becoming more elaborate and departing from this concept.

119- The older men of Lopevi were happy to see that they were succeeding in voting out the younger men.

120- Each succeeding pair differs from the previous one in form, size, and relative unity of the leaves.

121- In December 2002 McGee became global head of investment banking in New York, succeeding Bradley Jack.

122- The risk increases in each succeeding generation, as affected occurs (cluster studies appear by registry).

123- Ferdinand showed great aptitude for this trade, starting to work at twelve years, and succeeding his father.

124- In succeeding years he has dazzled us with plays that speak in a language of unequaled poetic beauty and intensity.

125- One man, brief in space, must spread his opposition across a period of many years if he is to have a chance of succeeding.

126- HRI was founded in 2001, succeeding the Irish Horseracing Authority, the 1994 successor to the Racing Board founded in 1945.

127- The Olympic Games were a source of pride for Canadians in hosting and succeeding in the largest international sporting event.

128- Two monoplanes, piloted by Half- Ogre bandits, close in on the craft and commence attack runs, succeeding in shooting it down.

129- Bray was elected as a Republican to the Eighty-second and to the eleven succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1951-January 3, 1975).

130- The succeeding Reports of the Commissioners were continued from 1900 onwards by calendars published by the House of Lords itself.

131- There are several obstacles to overcome if it has any chance of succeeding; at the moment, the most notable ones are scale and cost.

132- This worked sufficiently well that the Minitrack interferometers also formed the basic tracking method of the succeeding STADAN network.

133- His plans also come close to succeeding, until Scratch and Grounder come along and ruin them.

134- He succeeding his father as Minister of Agriculture in 1946 and held the post after Independence.

135- Aufschnaiter and Harrer escaped and were re-captured a number of times before finally succeeding.

136- Nissan Australia, however, kept using the GM engines until the succeeding N14 version was introduced.

137- In 2008, William “Billy” Kenoi was elected Mayor, succeeding Harry Kim who had served a two-term limit.

138- Some 250,000 of the Saab 900 convertible were sold (including the NG900) over the succeeding two decades.

139- Bohemond, Raymond, and the nobles could not prevent Guy and Sibylla from succeeding to the throne in 1186.

140- P. 53 History of India By Sir Roper Lethbridge The succeeding Kanva Dynasty had four Buddhist Kanva Kings.

141- On several occasions airframes were re-built and/or re-used both within a program or in a succeeding program.

142- David P. Steiner is also the chief executive officer of the company (since 2004), succeeding A. Maurice Myers.

143- Influence Yefet’s commentaries were much used by succeeding Karaite exegetes, and were often quoted by Ibn Ezra.

144- For zinc and succeeding elements, the 3d subshell is complete and the 3d electrons are considered core electrons.

145- Career Zulueta was the fourth Secretary of the Interior during the Commonwealth period, succeeding Rafael Alunan.

146- In succeeding years her name changed several times, to Colorado Point, Creole Firme, Island No. 1, and Gorgona II.

147- When Rodgers left, remained as an assistant under Dick Vermeil before succeeding Vermeil as the head coach in 1976.

148- A regular session can last until thirty days before the opening of its next regular session in the succeeding year.

149- Den is then sent on a mission by the Queen to retrieve the Locnar and, after succeeding, returns home to his mundane life.

150- Rubey was elected as a Democrat to the Sixty-second and to the four succeeding Congresses (March 4, 1911 – March 3, 1921).

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