subversive in a sentence 2

Use ‘subversive’ in a sentence | ‘subversive’ example sentences

50- The album is only available to buy off the subversive Recordings website.

51- The movie has also been known for its a subversive take on the ‘Devdas’ syndrome.

52- In 1974, he was arrested for allegedly writing and circulating subversive statements while waiting for his O-level results.

53- Paul Danton, a member of a subversive political party, who believed in peace so be his answer to make peace was considered.

54- As Mario gets into the car, he overhears on the radio that several subversive magazines have been taken over by coup forces, including La Quenta Rueda.

55- The subversive humor is long gone, and his cultural references..

56- All regular military activity, for example exercises, was considered potentially subversive.

57- Domino might be one of the most subversive films released by a major studio since Fight Club “.

58- Tan Malaka’s prominent role in the PKI was viewed by the colonial government as subversive activity.

59- His oblique yet subversive lyrical themes don’t make Ache any more palatable for the faint of heart.

60- The human body in its relation to machines, explored both in its apocalyptic and subversive potentials remains a major theme of his work.

61- These formed a subversive alliance with republicans and discontented military officers which led to the overthrow of the Empire on 15 November 1889.

62- The sheer audacity of publishing such a clearly subversive poem in a national publication amazed the Albanians (and soon after the international community as well).

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