suburb in a sentence 3

Use ‘suburb’ in a sentence | ‘suburb’ example sentences

101- Ginninderra Electing five members to the Assembly, this electorate contains the town centre of Belconnen and the suburb of Nicholls (in Gungahlin).

102- The suburb was originally called Highfield, but it is unclear whether this was a position description or whether it was named after an early resident.

103- A number of offers of land were made, and RIA accepted an offer of two blocks in the first subdivision of the new suburb of Floreat Park (now Floreat).

104- The suburb was the subject of urban renewal in the early 1990s aimed at stimulating development in a period when Melbourne was experiencing an economic downturn.

105- Personal life Born and bred in Panadura, a suburb outside Colombo, Prasanna attended D.S. Senanayake college a leading national school for his secondary education.

106- MD 41 veers northeast through the suburb of Parkville, where the highway has intersections with Oakleigh Road and Wycliffe Road, where the highway reduces to four lanes.

107- KDKA’s roots began with the efforts of Westinghouse employee Frank Conrad who operated KDKA’s predecessor 75 watt 8XK from the Pittsburgh suburb of Wilkinsburg from 1916.

108- Finally, in 2006, Penteli Avenue, one of the main roads serving the suburb, was also widened to accommodate increased traffic, shortening traffic to Halandri by several minutes.

109- The suburb also has a swing park and a football pitch.

110- Albany Highway runs through the western part of the suburb.

111- Numbers were used for inner city lines, letters for suburb lines.

112- Hykeham is a southern suburb of Lincoln, Lincolnshire in England.

113- “An Old City’s History: The Simple Annals of Our Venerable suburb“.

114- Murrays Bay is a small suburb in Auckland ‘s East Coast Bays region.

115- On July 2, 1994, Escobar was shot outside a bar in a Medellín suburb.

116- Lake monger is a large Lake located on the outer edges of the suburb.

117- Many businesses soon followed suit and moved to the expanding suburb.

118- The magazine previously dubbed the town “New York’s wealthiest suburb.

119- The suburb contains numerous buildings that have historic significance.

120- A second Kindergarten is planned to open in the suburb Samborondon on April 2009.

121- Kelvin Grove itself is a relatively new suburb, with housing beginning in the 1960s.

122- Arana Hills is almost entirely a residential suburb with 20% of its area as parkland.

123- Orchard Grove, an important access road through the suburb, was named so for this reason.

124- In 2009, BusinessWeek rated Itasca as the ‘Best Affordable suburb‘ in the state of Illinois.

125- The Lake Macquarie suburb, only 15 km from the city, proved an ideal location for the new rink.

126- The suburb has only 0.7% indigenous Australians, substantially below the national average of 2.3%.

127- Developed as a suburb of Toronto, Mississauga’s growth is attributed to its proximity to that city.

128- Bamburi has operations in Bamburi suburb of Mombasa and in Nairobi and is headquartered in Nairobi.

129- Rachaf has two mayors, one residing in the village and the other residing in Beirut southern suburb.

130- Summary a simplified map of doncaster east, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, showing basic features.

131- Vodopić’s fourth book is a novel entitled Đenevrija, a story from the old Dubrovnik’s suburb of Pile.

132- The largely residential neighborhood was developed as a suburb after World War II and into the 1950s.

133- As a middle-class suburb, car ownership is among the highest in Renfrewshire, with many 2-car households.

134- Geography Davidson Trig Point on Red Hill The Red Hill ridge forms the south-west boundary of the suburb.

135- Brooker Avenue marks the western boundary of the suburb, while the Tasman Highway marks the southern side.

136- The suburb is made up by single-family houses and a housing project. 93% of the inhabitants are native danes.

137- The suburb is part of Gladsaxe municipal and is connected with S-Train with 2 stations Buddinge and Kildebakke.

138- There are several bushwalks starting in the suburb including the Great North Walk and a path to Apple Tree Bay.

139- Before 1945 when Szczecin (Stettin) was a part of Germany, the German name of this suburb was Stettin-Braunsfelde.

140- Torphin Hill Torphin Hill itself, origin of the name of the suburb of Torphin, adjoins Warklaw Hill to the south-west.

141- DUI Dwayne Jarrett was arrested and charged for DUI on the morning of March 11, 2008 in a Charlotte suburb of Mint Hill.

142- Examples The Heliopolis suburb is the only example of this unique architectural style, and is still very well preserved.

143- The family lives on the -acre (0 m 2 ) Roloff Farms, located north of Hillsboro in Helvetia, Oregon (a suburb of Portland).

144- The advisory body represents the interests of the citizens of the suburb towards the town administration and the town council.

145- The suburb since the end of WW2 has seen its most rapid period of expansion and a steady growth in families moving to the area.

146- He drove her to another house and molested her for fifty hours before releasing her at a power sub-station in the suburb of Kew.

147- ” The new synagogue was located on previously undeveloped land in the northwest suburb of Pikesville and was in use by the 1960s.

148- No. 4, season 1. Personal life As of 2006, Pelecanos lives in the Washington, D.C. suburb of Silver Spring, Maryland Walker Lamond.

149- Many people consider Emu Ridge to be a suburb name, and it is widely used in Canberra, even on some (though not most) official maps.

150- The suburb is approximately 4 km from the Gungahlin Town Centre and 16 km from the centre of Canberra and bounded by Horse Park Drive.

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