substance in a sentence 3

Use ‘substance’ in a sentence | ‘substance’ example sentences

100- She is excellent, crisp, knows the substance up and down, is very good in the back and forth.

101- Horns are made from keratin, the same substance that makes up finger nails and hair in humans.

102- “And that’s what I try to get across to people that substance abuse, it doesn’t respect anyone.

103- CAIR Capitol Hill office was evacuated by police after “foreign substance” received in the mail.

104- Reginald T. Addison is charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver.

105- That’s almost always far less important than the substance of what the person is doing or saying.

106- So despite Mr. Putin’s remarkable change in tone, there appears to be little change in substance.

107- He is also infamous as one of many young celebrities who died young as a result of substance abuse.

108- Polio is a problem in Pakistan because the Taliban believes the vaccines are a forbidden substance.

109- We disagree with the substance of the FTC’s contentions and are prepared to take our case to court.

110- To many observers, Sanders’ 2013 vote shows current differences are matters of tone, not substance.

111- He has pleaded not guilty to possession of a firearm by an unlawful user of a controlled substance.

112- A summary of Rogers’ Adjudication Tribunal said Rogers struggled with substance abuse and addiction.

113- She pleaded not guilty to possession of an illegal substance for the purpose of trafficking in 2013.

114- Alcohol remains by far the most abused substance on college campuses, with marijuana ranking second.

115- Bailey is in the middle of a four game suspension for violating the league’s substance abuse policy.

116- He faces charges of dangerous driving, flight from police, and possession of a controlled substance.

117- I have not taken any banned substances and Alberto has never suggested that I take a banned substance.

118- Bentonite clay is a highly adsorbent substance.

119- His adventurers carried firearms employing this substance.

120- This substance was usually used to wash down the aforementioned meats .

121- Oxidizing agent – A substance that brings about an oxidation reaction.

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