strength in a sentence 3

Use ‘strength’ in a sentence | ‘strength’ example sentences

100- The North Vietnamese used guerrilla warfare to undermine the superior military strength of the Americans.

101- Maya Angelou once said that the quality of strength, lined with tenderness, is an unbeatable combination.

102- The first half of the 20th century saw the United Kingdom’s strength seriously depleted in two World Wars.

103- Francois LaRochefoucauld once remarked that we all have enough strength to endure the misfortunes of others.

104- A composer once said that music is cruel, with its beauty of loneliness and of pain, of strength and freedom.

105- The doctor warned the patient not to exert himself too much after the operation until his strength came back.

106- Despite the tiger’s speed and strength, it only succeeds in killing perhaps one in 20 of its intended victiMs. Democritus once stated that the pride of youth is in strength and beauty, the pride of old age is in discretion.

107- The rebel movement in Colombia lacks the military strength or popular support necessary to overthrow the government.

108- There is a Japanese proverb which observes that you must gain from your opponents without sacrificing your own strength.

109- The rebel movement in Colombia doesn’t have the military strength or popular support necessary to overthrow the government.

110- Samuel Johnson once remarked that some people have little power to do good, and have likewise little strength to resist evil.

111- Albert Einstein once said that only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master.

112- The guerrilla tactics of the North Vietnamese were successful in defeating the superior military strength of the U.S. John Ruskin once said that the strength and power of a country depends absolutely on the quantity of good men and women in it.

113- Benjamin Banneker once observed that the color of the skin is in no way connected with strength of the mind or intellectual powers.

114- Khalil Gibran wrote that tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.

115- Why do people say that strength is masculine, and tenderness is feminine? I don’t think one should describe those qualities in that way.

116- Madame Swetchine once noted that we deceive ourselves when we fancy that only weakness needs support.

117- Strength needs it far more.

118- A Welsh proverb suggests that three things give us hardy strength: sleeping on hairy mattresses, breathing cold air, and eating dry food.

119- Nietzche once said that we attack not only to hurt someone, to defeat him, but perhaps also simply to become conscious of our own strength.

120- What I looked up to in Shota was not his ‘strength’.

121- It was his heroic courage to put his life on the line to carry out his convictions.

122- Rachel Carson once observed that those who contemplate the beauty of the Earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.

123- There is an old proverb which states that everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him, and then choose that way with all his strength.

124- Carol Gilligan once suggested that while men represent powerful activity as assertion and aggression, women portray acts of nurturance as acts of strength.

125- Haki Madhubuti once stated that to maintain the ability to admit and grow from our mistakes rather than let them defeat us represents best the inner strength of a people.

126- Delegation by those in upper management is not a sign of weakness, but rather of strength in recognizing and benefiting from the skills and knowledge of those around them.

127- Confining the patient to bed will only make it harder for her to get her strength back.

128- She needs to be up and walking around as soon after the operation as possible.

129- confirmShe has also apparently gained strength from the act of forgiveness.

130- “The basic concept is to build on the strength of the national team.

131- The hurricane has since lost strength and become a Category 3 storm.

132- 926726What Trump is conveying in every speech he makes is strength.”

133- He loved life; his strength and joy was contagious to all around him.

134- You just have to recognize where that strength lies, and harness it.”

135- Strength training, according to the recent research and fitness pros.

136- He’s quick to the ball and his strength and timing is really uncanny.

137- 695971The city’s Chianello says ground water is the area’s strength.

138- Special reference should be made to its financial strength and rating.

139- Fish oil also provides strength and shine to fragile or weakened hair.

140- 736262Their strength is how aggressive they are,”” Syndergaard said.”

141- “Whatever is going on … normally my mental game is a strength of mine.

142- 836541They use their size and strength and that made it tough on us.”

143- I just tried to follow the best climbers with the strength I had left.

144- Strength and conditioning coach Ty Hill, however, wasn’t in on the gag.

145- However, the offensive line seems to be at full strength for this game.

146- @JoshLevs The marathon is now a symbol of unity, strength, and freedom.

147- 32351All nations thus will in time become equal in potential strength.

148- If not, what was once thought to be a strength could end up a weakness.

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