streetcar in a sentence

Use ‘streetcar’ in a sentence | ‘streetcar’ example sentences

1- The company discontinued streetcar service in 1941.

2- They were used until the company ended streetcar service.

3- April 1940 saw streetcar service replaced by buses.

4- Buses replaced streetcar operations due to operating costs.

5- The latter will appear along streetcar lines.

6- The only public conveyance was the streetcar .

7- She traveled around by streetcar to six exchanges.

8- The bus replaced the streetcar line in 1969.

9- The old streetcar stop is marked by a banner.

10- The final streetcar lines were converted to bus operation in 1948.

11- See the articles categorized as ” streetcar suburbs”.

12- All remaining streetcar lines were converted to bus by 1941.

13- Balloon loops are common on tram or streetcar systems.

14- Some people were raised near streetcar tracks or railways.

15- The 1854 Jennings streetcar case abolished racial discrimination in public transit.

16- Two years later, the last streetcar line was built.

17- Pullman’s streetcar building period lasted from 1891 until 1951.

18- Baltimore Light Rail modern streetcar system begins operating.

19- The electric streetcars were used until 1939.

20- This private enterprise eventually provided heated streetcar service covering the downtown core.

21- Charles streetcar survives in change of the local rate.

22- That was also true of the streetcar system.

23- Diesel buses supplemented the streetcar service from at least 1938.

24- His first important commissions were on two streetcar barns.

25- Operators also train with a real streetcar .

26- House prices in streetcar suburbs vary by neighborhood and city.

27- The streetcar seemed to be the preferred alternative.

28- A streetcar yard was added at the intersection in 1895.

29- The streetcar line is expected to be operational in late 2016.

30- The streetcar operated in the downtown area between 1899 and 1924.

31- Around the world there are many tram and streetcar systems.

32- And she ‘d drive right behind the streetcar until daylight.

33- Toronto’s horse-drawn streetcar operations ended in 1891.

34- These include five of Philadelphia’s remaining six streetcar lines.

35- The same was true with Manhattan’s former streetcar system.

36- There are other local ‘ streetcar suburbs’.

37- During construction, streetcar service along Sixth Avenue was terminated.

38- These streetcars used horses and sometimes mules.

39- The introduction of electric powered streetcars in 1889 spurred suburban development.

40- There’s mass transit nearby including streetcars and elevated trains. They accost him and I go ahead toward the streetcar.

41- The subway is faster than the streetcar.

42- The streetcar is now certainly out of date.

43- As the teen walked back toward the rear of the streetcar, Seymour got off the vehicle.

44- He believes the new streetcar line will provide “affordable, convenient” means of transportation.

45- She thinks the streetcar will elevate Cincinnati’s place on the national and international stage.

46- Toronto teenager Sammy Yatim was shot after causing a disturbance aboard a Toronto streetcar in 2013.

47- Seymour told the court that Yatim did not appear afraid as police moved closer to the streetcar door.

48- The streetcar driver stayed with his vehicle, and when Yatim noticed him, he asked if he had a phone.

49- The work previously required the removal and replacement of the streetcar tracks at the intersections.

50- In 1914 a failed attempt was made to have the Federal Government purchase all of the streetcar lines and companies.

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