strategic in a sentence 4

Use ‘strategic’ in a sentence | ‘strategic’ example sentences

151- Cold stores provide large volume, long-term storage for strategic food stocks held in case of national emergency in many countries.

152- Crowley, p.58 Tunis was a highly strategic location, controlling the passage from the west to the eastern basin of the Mediterranean.

153- MCC was a strategic authority running regional services such as transport, strategic planning, emergency services and waste disposal.

154- Cubana’s renovation efforts are also related to the airline’s strategic importance for the Cuban government and its foreign relations.

155- Les Tomlin sits on the corporate board and executive and programming committees with responsibility for the strategic direction of OUTtv.

156- The forks (the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers at what is now Pittsburgh) was considered a strategic military location.

157- The I&E Group has two additional research themes, Strategic Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Innovation, not funded by the central EPSRC grant.

158- Kronborg Castle sat near the narrowest part of Øresund, a sound only four kilometres wide, which gave the castle a supreme strategic importance.

159- From a communications standpoint, intranets are useful to communicate strategic initiatives that have a global reach throughout the organization.

160- They keep constant dialogues with their investee companies and provide input for investee companies’ strategic decisions as an active shareholder.

161- Boyle’s report recommended leaving strategic defence in the hands of the Imperial Navy, though South Australia was to purchase a 400 ton naval vessel.

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