storyboard in a sentence

Use ‘storyboard’ in a sentence | ‘storyboard’ example sentences

1- Storyboard s themselves consist of animation objects.

2- The storyboard took six months to complete.

3- Those guys in the storyboard department are almost never noticed.

4- The episodes are then handed off to storyboard artists.

5- Often storyboards include arrows or instructions that indicate movement.

6- The scenes have been reconstructed using the original storyboards .

7- There are also storyboards and tech crew interviews presented.

8- Storyboards are now becoming more popular with novelists.

9- This is called a use case storyboard .

10- The storyboard was great in my opinion.

11- A black and white storyboard is enough to convey most ideas.

12- A common misconception is that storyboards are not used in theatre.

13- The storyboards that are included are also worth checking out.

14- We offered Ritual twenty thousand dollars to storyboard our ideas.

15- Storyboard Archive includes 10 collections of drawings of various scenes.

16- The final extra is a ” Storyboard Gallery”.

17- Plots are developed through consecutive scenes, similar to film storyboards .

18- But I was just the storyboard guy.

19- Develop a storyboard for your overall presentation.

20- The client provide a storyboard to us.

21- Storyboard artists then drew more than 1800 individual storyboard frames.

22- Storyboard artists then drew more than 1800 individual storyboard frames.

23- My one son has called them a unique life’s storyboard .

24- Now you are ready to insert textual information in your storyboard .

25- Additional original artwork and the storyboards were included in the release.

26- In this phase, the designers create storyboards and graphics.

27- Storyboard That has offered to sponsor a new webinar.

28- Partridge is a storyboard revision artist for Adventure Time.

29- I wrote and imagined the storyboard in 1 day.

30- The production team relied on Lucas’ storyboards during pre-production.

31- For some motion pictures, thumbnail storyboards are sufficient.

32- Your storyboard should look like this: 14.

33- Included are interviews, storyboards , and behind-the-scenes material.

34- Then sketch a “thumbnail” storyboard .

35- Trousdale went home and completed the storyboards later that evening.

36- So I was writing and drawing the storyboards for them.

37- When we submitted the storyboard to Fox it was approved.

38- Now you can begin to insert pictures into your storyboard .

39- Some consider storyboards and wordless novels to be comics.

40- The musical storyboard scene of the proposed film can be seen online. This is where the value of the storyboard comes in for business analysts.

41- He now serves as a storyboard consultant to Dick Figures.

42- Yacine Elghorri is an animator, illustrator, storyboard artist, conceptual designer and comic book artist.

43- Her only producing experience is with R-rated films and she has difficulty with her staff as the storyboard and the script do not match.

44- There, he worked mainly as a producer and storyboard artist, and often supervised the studio’s voice recording sessions.

45- He has worked on several episodes of Rugrats as a director and storyboard artist for the late 90’s to early 2000’s.

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