stormier in a sentence

Use ‘stormier’ in a sentence | ‘stormier’ example sentences

1- The weather became colder, the seas outside rougher and stormier .

2- This pattern will also likely bring a much wetter and stormier pattern, however.

3- As well as a cooler summer, parts of Europe experienced a stormier winter.

4- This signals a change in weather in the near future, which usually becomes stormier .

5- Next week the conference circus moves to Blackpool, where even stormier waters await the feuding Conservatives.

6- The effect could impact weather and climate , making sub-tropical regions drier and creating wetter and stormier conditions further north.

7- Six galleasses were included in the Spanish fleet for the Armada campaign but were unable to accomplish anything in the stormier waters of the English Channel and North Sea.

8- Some geologists theorize that a cooler and stormier climate (such as glaciations and increased precipitation) can give a landscape a younger appearance such as incision of high terrains and increased erosion rates.

9- The traditional Viking ships performed quite well in the relatively tranquil summer seas of the medieval warm period, but the stormier climates rendered these vessels particularly dangerous to the point of obsolescence.

10- Meanwhile, the political climate had become stormier , and a growing political polarization exploded in Darmstadt over the question of foreign students.

11- Generally speaking, the summer season (mid-December to early March) is characterized by long stretches of windy, sunny weather, with pleasant afternoons of 18 to 26 C and cold nights of 2 to 9 C. Autumn brings colder temperatures in March, then stormier weather in April and May.

12- Here, precipitation is somewhat higher (350 mm) and winter is stormier than the summer, with 45 mm (1.8 in) falling in July.

13- From September through June, and especially during the winter and spring, the cold fronts of these advancing air masses sweep powerfully across Bermuda, preceded by two or three days of progressively stormier , wetter, and more overcast weather.

14- stormier Paradise: More Hurricanes Predicted For Hawaii HONOLULU, May 6 ( UPI ) — Hawaii , largely free from hurricanes in the recent past, could see a two- to three-fold rise in tropical cyclones by the end of this century, researchers say.

15- And when we have sailed on stormier seas by piggy-backing on bigger blogs such as Politics , the respect and warmth has begun to spread.

16- But instead , predictably, the public were encouraged to celebrate — again and again, and again — the birth of the royal … more ” A stormier Arctic could fast-track the greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, potentially accelerating global warming.

17- Sea ice and stormier seas made the passages between Norway, Iceland and Greenland more difficult after AD 1200…

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