stigmatizations in a sentence

Use ‘stigmatizations’ in a sentence | ‘stigmatizations’ example sentences

1- But it can be effective to use art to help assess whether the stigmatizations and drugs are working.

2- It strikes me the entire enterprise of psychiatry is about creating “us” and “them” stigmatizations .

3- We need to get rid of the unprovable “mental illness” stigmatizations to end this medical abuse of power.

4- Truly, I hope NIMH realizes how low some within the psychiatric industry have gone, and rids the world of unscientifically based stigmatizations .

5- And now, it is the psychiatrists who are the ones claiming their “partially or wholly” iatrogenic DSM stigmatizations are “lifelong, incurable, genetic disorders.” At least in my case, I just needed a sympathetic ear, not to be whacked out of my mind on drugs for life.

6- I think it is all of psychiatry that is the “hallucination.” In my opinion, the DSM is nothing but a book of stigmatizations , that medicalizes normal behavior, and describes the serious “mental illnesses” the psychiatric industry’s drugs CAUSE.

7- Joanna, This is a very creative way to point out that a drug centered model of care would be infinately more logical and honest than psychiatry’s current model of care, which is based upon their “lacking in validity” DSM stigmatizations .

8- I do so hope the psychologists will stop believing in the fictitious DSM “life long incurable genetic mental illnesses,” as these stigmatizations certainly function in 100% the opposite manner of what’s described here.

9- I think the psychiatrists gather together, vote “mental illnesses” into existence to sell and force pharmaceuticals onto other people for profit and “social control.” I consider psychiatric stigmatizations , defamation of character.

10- Today’s DSM stigmatizations are no more scientifically valid, than was psychiatry’s claim that being Jewish was a “mental illness.” When will wisdom reign?

11- And I agree, in order to get better, stopping the chemical treatments and understanding that there is no scientific validity behind any of the DSM stigmatizations is key.

12- Any governments or organizations that support and condone psychiatric stigmatizations , forced “treatments,” and poisonings, historically and now, are controlled by unjust and corrupt people.

13- … and the mainstream medical community who adopted their BS, and all others (including the governments and religions) who advocate belief in scientifically “lacking in validity” stigmatizations , as well.

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