stammerers in a sentence

Use ‘stammerers’ in a sentence | ‘stammerers’ example sentences

1- Speech can actually improve if stammerers can be put at ease.

2- HELP could soon be at hand for Britain’s 500,000 stammerers .

3- If you want any further information and details of courses and individual therapy, send an sae to the Association for stammerers .

4- Then the lame will leap like a deer and the tongue of stammerers will speak clearly, because water has burst out in the desert and a channel in a thirsty land.

5- There were also two new 1-act “op├®ras comiques” which premiered together on 8 December 1864: Albert Grisar’s “Les b├®gaiements d’amour” (“The stammerers of Love”; 36 performances) and Henri Caspers’ “Le cousin Babylas” (59 performances).

6- I suggest that, as a first step, you write to the Association For stammerers , Unit 309, 156 Blackfriars Rd, London SE1 8EN, enclosing an sae.

7- The Association for stammerers would like to increase our understanding and patience of stammering in a world where fluency tends to be taken for granted.

8- There are a kind of intellectual stammerers , who are delivered of their good things with pain and effort; and consequently what costs them such evident uneasiness does not impart unmixed delight to the by-standers.

9- […] Robot’s press contribution has forced us to acknowledge what stammerers we were, but also gave us some lessons free of charge.

10- The Jolly Company dressed in ridiculous regalia, and many people behaved exactly opposite to the norm; “invitations to the guests were delivered by stammerers , the bridesmen were cripples, the runners were fat men with gout, the priest was allegedly one hundred years old” (and blind).

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