Use ‘spying’ in a sentence | ‘spying’ example sentences
101- She carried a token (description still unknown) that would identify her as a British spy to an American officer who was spying for the British.
102- ” while Lee and Carter are spying on Molina through the windows from the neighboring tower) as she did not know the language at the time of filming.
103- As a spy Cairncross admitted to spying in 1951 after MI5 found papers in Guy Burgess’ flat with a handwritten note from him, after Burgess’ flight to Moscow.
104- He uses his magic a number of times in this book saving Bane’s life from a fallen tree, saving Hugh’s life from Bane’s poison, and spying in the High Realms.
105- In May 1945 Dom Carlos gave newspaper interviews accusing Brazil’s papal nunciate of Nazi-Fascist spying, and accused Rome of having aided and abetted Hitler.
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Related Words:
sputtered – sputtering – sputters – sputum – spy – spyglass – spyglasses – spying – squab – squabble – squabbled – squabbles – squabbling – squabs – squad –
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