Use ‘spy’ in a sentence | ‘spy’ example sentences
101- A few years later, Chang Wen-cheng was exposed as a spy and was arrested by Chinese officials.
102- spy novelists hit pay dirt in China China’s university entrance exams: Would you pass the test?
103- spy exams In their final test, recruits are taken overseas and immersed in a doomsday scenario.
104- By Kelly Wallace, CNN Updated 2041 GMT (0441 HKT) January 9, 2015 Is it OK to spy on your kids?
105- It was initially adopted with the arrival of one-time spy Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin in 2000.
106- Every iPhone is a “spy-phone,” that can be manipulated or bugged, the organizers wanted to show.
107- READ: Rubio continues fight against Cuba deal READ: How did Cuban spy in U.S. get wife pregnant?
108- The issue was whether or not Huawei would spy on Americans at the behest of its national leaders.
109- The A-Haber television channel broadcast footage of the alleged spy, bearded and wearing glasses.
110- It allows the state to spy on citizens, make illegal arrests and use torture to crush any dissent.
111- Just about every spy movie with a dastardly syndicate influencing its members involves coop theory.
112- A No-spy Treaty is an inherently absurd proposition, as is the idea of “friendship” between nations.
113- Bridge of Spies Steven Spielberg’s latest film is a Cold War spy thriller with Tom Hanks as the star.
114- The secret agent “spy gear” stuff these days is quite a bit different.
115- In the introduction, he described himself as a spy and secret agent .
116- Violet – A special agent and spy for the CDF.
117- She is usually sent to spy the enemies.
118- I spy: Fun House is being developed into a Nintendo DS game.
119- Grierson’s raiders behind enemy lines(photo take by a Confederate spy).
120- One, all the contestants are male, and two, there is a spy among the men.
121- spy Thriller.) Cover of another typical Masud Rana title: Udhhar, or Rescue.
122- Francesca became his aid in his job as a “strategist and spy” for Juan Cortina.
123- The media corporation who develops this advance can spy on anyone anywhere it chooses.
124- Sun Li uses their relationship to infiltrate the village and work as a spy for Liangshan.
125- He has Hayraddin, who is a spy in his employ, take the information and a large bribe to De la Marck.
126- However, Nazi and fascist spy efforts were far, far less active than were those of the Soviet Union.
127- She convinced Gary to spy on Phillip and Beth for her, hoping to get evidence of Phillip’s unfaithfulness.
128- Cyclops also places Psylocke in charge of a new X-Men Security team, asking her to be his spy and spy-hunter.
129- Gameplay spy Hunter is an action / driving game with the player in the role of a spy driving an armed sportscar.
130- The buffoonish Roddy Martindale in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, spy is also another example of this kind of politician/spy.
131- Bessière also wrote almost a hundred spy thrillers for the Espionnage imprint of Fleuve Noir under the pseudonym of F.-H.
132- Tucuxis are quite active and may jump clear of the water (a behavior known as breaching), somersault, spy-hop or tail-splash.
133- There are 6 Game Modes in these spy vs. spy matches: Team Hack, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Key Run, Sam Vs. All, and Countdown.
134- Hallam makes his home in the clock tower of the hotel because of its vantage point over Kate’s home in a top flat, where he can spy on her.
135- I spy is a guessing game usually played in families with young children, partly to assist in both observation and in alphabet familiarity.
136- The Thiel Detective Service Company was a private detective agency formed by George H. Thiel, a former Civil War spy and Pinkerton employee.
137- Paul William Hampel is the fictitious name of a man accused by the Canadian government of being a Russian spy masquerading as a Canadian citizen.
138- The spy moves closer to the alcove and Sonea tries to stay hidden, the combat is causing damage to be building and Sonea is forced to use her shield.
139- ISBN 81-7303-036-7 While Kawaguchi was in Lhasa, 34 year old Narita Yasuteru, who was a spy for the Japanese Intelligence, visited the city for about a fortnight.
140- ” Cuba suspected him of being a spy and deported him 1976.
141- He appears in Episode 5 with Zakembor to spy on Top Gunder.
142- “Cape Town spy commission is unlawful says Zille”http://www.
143- Edwards, a police spy, had fabricated the story of the dinner.
144- He also played Maxx Bloodd, the vampire hero in Maxx Bloodd, Vampire spy.
145- Rand met another Hoch character, Michael Vlado, in “The spy and the Gypsy”.
146- “) Meanwhile, Tatiana reports Edward to a policeman, claiming he is a Russian spy.
147- Sloan suspects one of them of being a Dominion spy, and they are confined to quarters.
148- Olson represented convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard while he was in private practice.
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