spurn in a sentence

Use ‘spurn’ in a sentence | ‘spurn’ example sentences

1- It has been spurned for very bad reasons .

2- spurn possessions and keep alive living beings!

3- Enough chances were usually created, but too often spurned .

4- The once spurned Brooklyn character suddenly finds itself very in.

5- Of course , the spurned candidates may win.

6- Dare we spurn those whom Christ treasures?

7- She ultimately spurned his proposals, however.

8- He was , however, spurned again.

9- spurn Point is a narrow, 3 mi long sand spit.

10- OTHER spurned wives have taken public revenge on their husbands.

11- Everyone in his vision offered repentance spurns their chance.

12- She spurns me, the unworthy woman”.

13- The danger is that they will spurn compromise .

14- We would find spurned to digest your experiences.

15- Y2K has spurned corporate & consumer spending.

16- All the world but a lover spurned .

17- Both have to deal with spurned lovers.

18- At least four spurns were in existence before the present one.

19- But sea buck thorn dominated: the climax plant of spurn .

20- They spurn any subjective dressing up of the naked data.

21- I have never believed that consensus is to be spurned .

22- The spurned wife determined to have revenge on her husband .

23- So far, they feel they have been spurned .

24- Companies spurned by banks find a way around it.

25- NBopenmarket has also spurned interest in vacant retail space.

26- The spurn peninsula offers scope to demonstrate best practice in coastal management.

27- The Palestinians have spurned each of these opportunities .

28- She often is spurned by the kids despite their own maladies.

29- He has spurned the old woman’s obvious overtures for years.

30- Ah! all of hell we spurn .

31- Affection was spurned , interest misunderstood as interference.

32- With nonchalance the enemy’s sword was spurned .

33- The UVF spurned the government efforts however and continued killing.

34- Kickable penalties were spurned and a score was not kept .

35- And spurn the bike, the lorry and the train.

36- She spurned her nurses, dreading helplessness.

37- Haraballabh is too scared to spurn her.

38- spurned by other British companies, Municipal looks risky.

39- Arabic was spurned on the christians as the symptoms such language. Millennials spurn the old-fashioned job for a higher calling The Wall Street Journal.

40- His ashes were flown back to the UK where they were carried out to sea, south of spurn Point near his birthplace of Hull.

41- If he shares with me a deep dislike for the certain aspects of US foreign policy, then I’m not going to spurn any endorsement of the book by him.

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