sprinkler in a sentence 2

Use ‘sprinkler’ in a sentence | ‘sprinkler’ example sentences

51- “An elementary treatment of the reverse sprinkler“.

52- He is known for perfecting the “sprinkler” move that made it possible to elevate the bullet through the air in an unconventional manner.

53- ” The Western Australian State Government has responded by introducing mandatory household sprinkler restrictions in the city.

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This site is designed to teach you English words in context with collocations with the help of example sentences.
You can easily memorize the word and the meaning of “sprinkler”
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Always focus on the learning on sentences with “sprinkler“
We believe you will easily learn to write and use the word sprinkler in a sentence.
You can practice spelling and usage of the word by getting 10 examples of sentences with “sprinkler”.
20 examples of simple sentences of “sprinkler“
We tried to find and publish the the words with Simple Sentences of “sprinkler“
Compound Sentences with “sprinkler”
Complex Sentences with “sprinkler”
Compound-Complex Sentences with sprinkler in a sentence.

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