springs in a sentence

Use ‘springs’ in a sentence | ‘springs’ example sentences

1- One disadvantaged urban primary schools springs to mind.

2- Active change springs from hitting rock bottom.

3- Colorado springs gasoline prices manufactured home for sale.

4- There are developed springs and 15 wells.

5- The water was carried directly from mountain springs .

6- A major discovery was finding evidence of ancient hot springs .

7- This aquifer is mainly drained by springs .

8- Salt springs were used for salt production.

9- The suspension used as springs horizontal rubber cylinders.

10- Other water habitats include freshwater springs and permanent freshwater lakes.

11- The springs were advertised as being computer selected.

12- springs was granted municipal status in 1912.

13- springs of cool water are rather numerous.

14- The leather saddle is suspended by springs .

15- Additional sources are cited with associated springs .

16- It is associated with cool damp springs .

17- New baths were built around the three springs .

18- What is left often springs to life.

19- springs bounce when high voltage is present.

20- Front and rear coil springs were reset.

21- These artificial springs sometimes rise several feet above the surface.

22- The springs are indicators of subsurface thermal processes.

23- It’s human–hope springs eternal.

24- Car springs and axles littered the floor.

25- It is fed by small springs and streams.

26- springs that flex every night eventually bend beyond their functionality.

27- Some are simple springs issuing from a hillside.

28- Another solution is to install longer shocks and fork springs .

29- The springs themselves seem to be sound.

30- springs are the basis for simple weighing machines.

31- There were four main springs similar to this.

32- What are the health benefits of sulfur mineral springs ?

33- The two barrels each contain two springs .

34- They are fed by runoff and springs .

35- From this tree springs forth our visible universe.

36- Crystal springs is clean and fresh and comfortable.

37- Concrete pumping stations were set over ancient springs or wells.

38- This pool was supplied by water from underground springs .

39- Fortunately some bacteria live in hot springs .

40- springs are expensive and difficult to replace. Haruko likes warm springs.

41- He springs from a noble family.

42- There are a lot of hot springs in Japan.

43- Hope springs eternal in the human breast.

44- Japanese people are fortunate to live in a land with natural hot springs.

45- Sonia Sanchez once noted that art reacts to or reflects the culture it springs from.

46- Alice springs, a town in Australia, has an average of more than 10 dust storms every year.

47- Bathing in hot springs is said to be good for the treatment of chronic disease, and the promotion of health.

48- One advantage Bahrain has over the other Persian Gulf states is the presence of substantial ground water, and many natural springs.

49- Primitive creatures living on our planet have been able to adapt and live in radical habitats including glaciers, ocean hot springs, and volcanic craters.

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