spreads in a sentence 3

Use ‘spreads’ in a sentence | ‘spreads’ example sentences

100- This spreads out the impulse particle over a larger area of the inner wall of the spacecraft.

101- The Issa clan is a Somali clan that spreads across northwest Somaliland and the nation of Djibouti.

102- A rash begins on the chest about five days after the fever appears, and spreads to the trunk and extremities.

103- HP is frequently advantageous to consumers because it spreads the cost of expensive items over an extended time period.

104- Rizer has appeared in many fashion spreads and on the covers of dozens of fashion magazines including Elle’, Lucky, Vogue, and Flare.

105- The research is intended to improve understanding of how cancer develops and spreads and thus provide a foundation for other research.

106- An imprisoned demon spreads terror and nightmares to the ones within the gems reach at night and it might cause clairvoyance for its bearer.

107- These smaller lamps appear very similar to MR16 lamps, also featuring similar multifaceted reflectors that are available in a variety of beam spreads.

108- How a weather radar works Sending radar pulses A radar beam spreads out as it moves away from the radar station, covering an increasingly large volume.

109- In 1891 Henry Jones established a jam factory in which he began to manufacture preserved jams and spreads using locally sourced high quality fruit produce.

110- As word of his notoriety spreads, Oyama’s actions come to the attention of the head of the Japan Karate Association – the former Air Force camp commander Kato.

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