spouses in a sentence 2

Use ‘spouses’ in a sentence | ‘spouses’ example sentences

49- The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.

50- 546816Our friends and spouses often come from outside our ethnic group.

51- My ex and I are both remarried and have other children with our spouses.

52- Then Bushatz learned of the threat on the military spouses‘ Twitter account.

53- One of the five military spouses threatened Tuesday is Ashley Broadway-Mack.

54- Just before revealing the name, the spouses watched Bei Bei get a medical checkup.

55- The pastors also comforted parents and spouses who waited for the last bus of students.

56- Thornton said he and Melissa hugged and kissed when their spouses were out of the room.

57- 58054And while many political spouses say they freely offer advice, Frank Fiorina does not.

58- Another 1.8 million were non-applicants comprised mostly of spouses and partners of applicants.

59- Almost 60 million retirees, disabled workers, spouses and children get Social Security benefits.

60- Interestingly, benefits that divorced spouses receive aren’t counted against the family maximum.

61- Prosecutors said many of the fake spouses in this case never received the $10,000 promised them.

62- Military spouses of Strength was formed for military spouses to feel that they have a safe place.”

63- We remember the suffering of the inexplicable grief that struck their spouses, children and parents.

64- They also justify the affair by trying to convince themselves that maybe their spouses have their own “secret lovers” as well.

65- Judicial conciliation is merited “when the spouses cannot agree on their rights and performance of their duties” (CCQ art. 521.9).

66- Molly and Kevin soon confess their love for each other, and pledge to leave their respective spouses and start a new life together.

67- There are also issues for spouses that are separate but not yet divorced.

68- Accomplices may be family members (spouses, parents, children, siblings, etc.), friends, or coworkers.

69- General A tree showing survival of passengers on the Titanic (“sibsp” is the number of spouses or siblings aboard).

70- ” The music video for the song “Perfect Match” by the hip hop group Cella Dwellas is largely a satire of Lake’s shows about cheating spouses.

71- Demographics Al-Anon is open to all family members and friends of alcoholics, but is primarily composed of female partners/spouses of alcoholics.

72- Mannie is part of a century-old line marriage, wherein new spouses are introduced by mutual consent at regular intervals so that the marriage never comes to an end.

73- 3. The spouses have a grave obligation to educate their children.

74- spouses of U.S. citizens receive immediate preference to immigrate to the United States.

75- Blanche II of Navarre and Philip the Handsome died before their spouses inherited the crown.

76- The nine-day pilgrimage is open only to Bahá’ís and their spouses who have applied to go on pilgrimage.

77- E. Children are a precious gift of marriage: the fruit of the mutual gift of the spouses to one another.

78- Kunbi’s would find their spouses within the nearby villages of Chulne, Gokhivere and mostly within Manickpur.

79- The Cairo Geniza is filled with correspondences written (sometimes dictated) between family members and spouses.

80- He issued a rite and guidelines to permit the blessing of civil marriages regardless of the gender of the spouses.

81- The spouses 37-year Oybek Ibragimov and 35 year Zarifa Karimova during stocking up дров in vicinity of the village подорвались on mine.

82- Kiedis said that “John had broken our unwritten rule of no spouses or girlfriends on the road.

83- Secondly, only owners or tenants of a dwelling and their spouses were allowed to vote in local elections.

84- spouses are chosen according to the man’s bravery, courage, and so on, because a brave man is at a high position.

85- The spouses‘ only daughter, Maria Camilla, who later married Armando Diaz della Vittoria, was born after his death.

86- Jacobson and Gottman report that some physically abusive spouses may gaslight their partners, even flatly denying that they have used violence.

87- The “Forgotten Widows” are a group of women who were barred from receiving any compensation after the death of their United States Military spouses.

88- The rule also affects many ethnic Danes and their spouses, forcing couples to live in third countries apart from their families and support networks.

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