sporting in a sentence 4

Use ‘sporting’ in a sentence | ‘sporting’ example sentences

149- In 1892, Spalding acquired Wright & Ditson and A. J. Reach, both rival sporting goods companies.

150- The Troopers’ Campaign Hat, sporting the “Montana Pinch” used to help shed the tropical downpours.

151- The mall is anchored by Macy’s, Boscov’s, JCPenney, Sears, Dicks sporting Goods, and Regal Cinemas.

152- The bell rings to start Round 1. Bugs comes up to Crusher pretending to give him a sporting chance.

153- CKTB acts as the overflow for CJCL whenever that station must air multiple Toronto sporting events.

154- There is a yearly Inter-House sports competition to determine the best sporting house for the year.

155- Cosby has football, rugby and cricket teams which all participate in Leicestershire’s sporting leagues.

156- The album, sporting a photo from the “Dancing with Myself” video was originally released in Europe in 1985.

157- Rodrigo Lamardo (born 30 April 1988) is an Argentine footballer who plays as a midfielder for sporting Pombal.

158- In humanoid form, all foxwomen have lustrous silver hair sporting a widow’s peak, and are incredibly attractive.

159- He also had fleeting sporting success, holding down a position in Ormond’s First VIII rowing squad for a brief period.

160- Books He and his wife Anita Bhogle have written a book titled based on business knowledge drawn from the sporting world.

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