spitting in a sentence 2

Use ‘spitting’ in a sentence | ‘spitting’ example sentences

51- The Baraita taught that spitting on the Temple Mount is forbidden a fortiori from the case of wearing a shoe.

52- The lead singer smeared peanut butter all over his face and everybody’s in the group, and they all were spitting on each other until they were kicked off.

53- These snakes’ fangs have been modified for the purposes of spitting: inside the fangs, the channel makes a ninety degree bend to the lower front of the fang.

54- One can initiate this type of buzz by using the same sensation as spitting seeds, but maintaining a continued flow of air.

55- Kudu dung spitting is popular enough to have an annual world championship competition, with the formal sport beginning in 1994.

56- GamesRadar stated that Shellos had a misleading design, stating “Shellos is the spitting image of what you’d imagine a baby Lapras would look like”.

57- Angle responded to the incident by spitting in Hogan’s face, threatening to quit TNA and go back to WWE.

58- The Boy calling the Dragon a “Punk Poet” leads to the Dragon getting angry and eventually spitting flames.

59- When Falls asked Smith for a response, Smith said he “didn’t want to get into a spitting contest with a skunk.

60- One gives him an electric zapping attack which was best used in close-quarters while another gave him a toxic spitting attack for ranged combat.

61- The public admired them, paradoxically, spitting in each of their performances, which was an incomprehensible and disgusting practice of those years.

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