spicy in a sentence

Use ‘spicy’ in a sentence | ‘spicy’ example sentences

1- The latter track was labeled ” spicy “.

2- This spicy scrambled eggs dish was delicious!

3- This show contains spicy language and adult themes.

4- It has a special spicy corn scent.

5- It has great body and is wonderfully spicy .

6- Another ways to reduce sweating is ignore eating spicy food.

7- My second favorite was the spicy chicken .

8- They serve really spicy and oily food .

9- Watch your diet–avoid spicy foods.

10- His spicy fisherman’s soup is legendary.

11- This is a really heavy spicy one.

12- Avoid citrus fruits or juices and spicy foods.

13- The oil has a spicy scent of hay.

14- Every dish is improved with the spicy fruit.

15- A hot n spicy meal for a hot n spicy show.

16- A hot n spicy meal for a hot n spicy show.

17- She likes spicy foods but not fish.

18- It was actually very nice with the spicy food.

19- You will effectively remember such a spicy acronym.

20- The tastes range from sweet to spicy .

21- This traditional food is famous for its spicy taste.

22- It has a unique sour and spicy taste.

23- The shrimp was not spicy and was tender.

24- This spicy scrambled eggs recipe took me by complete surprise.

25- London is already spicy enough on my terminal wallet.

26- The perfect combo of sweet and spicy !

27- The dish was spicy and had very good flavors .

28- Molly was fond of oily and spicy food.

29- Sometimes they are sweet and sometimes spicy .

30- So, three more or less spicy exchanges recently.

31- Dante’s girlfriend said it was too spicy .

32- The story line is unique… and spicy !

33- One food item I had was the steamed spicy baby octopus !

34- The rice is really hot, like spicy hot.

35- Rice was soft , curry was creamy and spicy .

36- The Nepali food is generally very spicy and hot.

37- The more spicy food ingested the more endorphins released.

38- It’s a great sweet and spicy combination.

39- An impression of spice but not actually spicy . You shouldn’t eat anything spicy.

40- Guatemalan coffee is known for its smoky, spicy flavor.

41- Find someone who likes mild food more than spicy food.

42- militantDrinking milk helps to neutralize the hot qualities of spicy food.

43- We ordered a jug of draft, and a plate full of spicy chicken wings.

44- Cooking and freezing do not diminish the spicy heat of a hot pepper.

45- We ordered a jug of draught, and a plate full of spicy chicken wings.

46- Thai food is often spicy, with contrasting sweet, sour, and salty tastes.

47- I’m not very hungry, so I think I’ll just have a spicy chicken wrap for lunch.

48- After eating the spicy food of Thailand for two years, he found British food horribly bland.

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